I’m SOOOooo Confused…

Random collection from the net today…

What the hell is she smoking???

Another proud moment is Army history- NOT!

I’m soooo glad he’s finally got his priorities straight.  Only took 3 ½ years!

Did she, or didn’t she??  Even her hairdresser doesn’t know!

Isn’t that the same year Al Gore “Invented” the Internet?!?!?!  Damn, he sure was a busy beaver!

Election junk mail barely spares Postal Service from insolvency.  We have finally found the solution to save the Post Office.  Hold Presidential Elections EVERY Year!!! (No, nevermind... THAT would drive all of us nuts!)

I can’t even begin to comprehend how this occurred… , unless he had some “help”!

I hope someone checks for Voter IDs.
And now on a more serious note:  This guy took “One Hell of a 1st Step”. 

One to think about...

It's getting down to the 'nut cuttin' as they say out West...


I’m SOOOooo Confused… — 11 Comments

  1. I’m right there with ya! Maybe time for two range days in a row just to “work things out” . . . .

    If nothing else, the Big “O” has been good for ammo sales . . .

  2. Pelosi doesn’t lie intentionally. That would take some intelligence. She doesn’t even know what day of the week it is.

  3. Duke- Probably… sigh…

    eia- Yeah, but prices are going up AGAIN… dammit…

    NC- Saw that POS…

    Rev- Sad ain’t it…

    WSF- Of course!

    CP- LOL

  4. A really pathetic corollary the Postal Service insolvency is that when I asked my carrier why the mail has been so late (3+ hrs behind norm) she said it’ll be late until the election’s over – she just can’t handle the increase!