NDAA is signed, BUT…

The National Defense Authorization Act signed by Obama has some ‘quirks’ in it… 

Among others…
The National Defense Authorization Act greatly expands the power and scope of the War on Terror, including allowing the US military to carry out domestic anti-terrorism operations on US soil.

It authorizes the military to detain even US citizens under the broad new anti-terrorism provisions provided in the bill, once again without trial. The real question is whether or not the law can be used to indefinitely detain US citizens domestically.

But if you read Obama’s signing statement (which he said he’d never do one in 2008), he already believes he HAS that authority…

Glenn Greenwald has an excellent article in Salon HERE, on the ramifications of the bill…

And if you care, you can go HERE and read his whiny signing statement…

It’s pretty clear from the statement he thinks he can do anything he wants with NO restrictions… dammit…


NDAA is signed, BUT… — 11 Comments

  1. That’s the trouble with these nit-wits… GW Bush included. The signing statement is either the signature of the President OR the word “disagreed.” [or veto – returned…] whatever. …..Any-who they are bitchy little girls who can’t make a decision. sad. sad. sad. As to picking up USA suspects by DOD officers military/civilian… right after all the weed dealers are in custody.

  2. How in the name of Zeuses butthole is that legal given Posse Comitatus?

    I know he thinks he’s above the law, but seriously, is no one paying fucking* attention!?

    *Yes this is me going from 0 to pissed off in about 5 seconds on a Saturday morning.

  3. Ed- True.

    ADM- Yeah, dammit…

    Russell- Good points!

    Rev/WSF- Concur

    MM- Yeah, I ‘noticed’ that too… Interesting isn’t it that no one is saying anything!!!

  4. “t’s pretty clear from the statement he thinks he can do anything he wants with NO restrictions…”

    And he will, as long as no one stands up to him. What we need is ORGANIZED opposition with REAL LEADERS.

    Anybody have any ideas where to find one?

  5. We are fortunate that Obama is basically lazy – if he had the drive of a Hitler we would be in even worse trouble than we already are.