Random thoughts…

I know, I know, that’s dangerous… Sigh…

Had to go out and replenish the food stocks yesterday and standing in line at the checkout behind two very obviously liberal women. They were prattling on about how ‘well’ things were going with the gun bans, and one from MD was crowing about how close the new bans were to passing and how GREAT and SAFE the state would be when guns were banned. 

I couldn’t help it, I laughed when she said that, and of course she snapped around and glared at me, asking what I was laughing about.   

I told her she was dreaming if she though that would actually increase safety, and I asked her how she would defend herself.  She said she’d call the police; so I asked her how long did she think it took for the police to get there. Something to the effect of a minute or so; she thought.

I told her the ‘average’ was 4-5 minutes, in the county 10+ minutes, and that in large cities the best response times were up to 9 minutes. And that, OBTW, the police had NO reason to actually protect them. It’s not actually in their charter. They are just there to clean up the mess, take statements from the survivors and put out an APB for the perpetrators.

She couldn’t think of a comeback to that, so she said I must be a Republican (said with a sneer), and I was just against all the GOOD things the democrats were doing.

I told her actually I was an independent and a conservative, and “I” was not the one trying to ban everything or institute nanny state laws or overturning our freedoms in the Bill of Rights; and that since she was trying that, she HAD to be a liberal democrat.  And she vapor locked… 🙂

Another line opened up and I moved quickly to get away from them.  I wonder what they would have done if they’d known I was carrying???

And last night I talked to my grandson for a bit, he’s 13 and I’ve been working with him on his shooting and safety for the last couple of years.

He asked me what I was ‘afraid of’, and when I asked him what he meant, he told me that one of his teachers (this is in Kalifornia) said that anyone that kept guns was scared of something or getting ready to do something bad.

So I turned it around to him and asked him if HE felt like doing something bad when he went to the range with us. Of course he didn’t, so I asked him if he thought his mother or his aunt would do something bad and he said they wouldn’t.

I also asked him if he knew why his mother and aunt both had fire extinguishers in the house, and his answer was to protect themselves and him in case of a fire.  So I asked him if he felt safer or less safe with the extinguishers.

I also asked him if he knew why his mother and aunt both had pistols in the house, and his answer was to protect themselves and him.  So I asked him if he felt safer or less safe with a gun in the house.

He thought about it for a minute, and said he felt safer in both cases. So I asked him if he though the teacher was right or wrong.

Then he circled back to my being ‘afraid’, and I wasn’t afraid of anyone but I was going to protect myself and my family and that included him. And that I knew I was too old to fight, and with the situations and gangs out there, anything I could do/use to diffuse a situation I was going to use it just like the fire extinguisher in the kitchen in case there was a fire.  And I told him I hoped I never had to use either of them to protect any of us.    

He finally came up with the analogy of the fire extinguisher and gun being used to keep him safe, one in the kitchen and one in life; and that the teacher was wrong.  

I also cautioned him again about our privacy and to never tell anyone there was a gun in the house or where it was.  That it was no ones business outside the family. He said he doesn’t talk about it, and when asked he only told his friends he had gone to the range with his papa and the cop (actually a deputy sheriff but he doesn’t remember that part).

Other things I continue to wonder about are the bills pending in various states, like Colorado that would ban pump shotguns and I wonder if that is an intentional inclusion or not…  No question it is a quick way to turn an entire middle class into criminals.  I’m betting there are a LOT of shotguns sitting forgotten in closets all over Colorado and most other states. 

And DHS releasing over 2000 ‘low level’ illegal criminals back onto the streets (not the ‘hundreds’ the administration admitted to) in California, Arizona, Texas and Georgia.  And ‘nobody’ knows who authorized it??? BS…  Low level bureaucrats NEVER do things like that without approval from higher authority; but this administration and Big Sis claim they had NO knowledge???  And all these releases were not ‘payback’ to CA, AZ, TX, GA for not toeing the party line?  I dunno what they’re smoking, but I want some of that…

And NY now going back and excluding Hollyweird from the NY gun ban, so they can still make movies??? WTF???  

And I’m hearing through the mil-email grapevine that there is no movement on allowing DOD to do any re-programming of funds, to purposely maximize the impact on DOD.  I’m at the point that I’d like to see them go ahead and shut the damn government down the end of March. At least if they’re shut down they can’t cause anymore problems… Sigh…

And this from a friend of mine’s daughter…

Kicking the soapbox back in the corner…


Random thoughts… — 19 Comments

  1. It’s truly getting sadder and sadder everyday. These people have no idea what the are supporting or how dangerous tese people in office are.

  2. Highest level of “stupid” during my lifetime . . . . going to take some very hard lessons before folks are interested in making corrections I am afraid. Even then I suspect there a better than even chance the “low information voter” will look to the government for the cure . . . .

    Wish it was later in the day, feels like it’s time for a drind! 🙂

  3. Your responses were perfect. I need to reread this post until I can remember the verbiage accurately.

    The left plans to get at us through the kids. If our doctors cannot get the info from us, the teachers/school/doctors plan to ask kids about mommy’s or daddy’s or grandpa’s guns.

  4. Agirl- It truly is…

    eia- Yeah, it’s bad when a scotch is looking good at 0800…

    Opus- I ‘try’ to be rational and not lose my cool… Not easy some times…

  5. I know those women you met in the checkout line. I’ve run into them and their kind several times myself.

    I’m with you 100% on the government shutdown, as long as it begins in congress…

  6. I have ruder responses as part of my schtick that I reserve for people like that.

    “Why are you laughing? Are you a gun nut or a Republican?”

    “No, I was picturing you two fat lesbians in bed and, well, I couldn’t help but laugh.”

    It doesn’t matter whether they’re fat or not because all women feel as if they’re fat. It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re lesbians. I put myself into a “progressive bomb thrower” mindset – imagine that I’m former Nazi, George Soros, and stuff like that comes out.

  7. WSF- I thought so too… Just sayin…

    Julie- Yep, works every time! 🙂

    Rev- Killing em with ‘kindness’ 😉

    Tim- Yeah, if THEY start to feel the hit, maybe something will get done…

    Gerry- Point!

    LL- LOL, that goes in the memory banks for plan B 🙂

  8. El Dorado County is looking better and better, even with the influx of Leftist shape-shifters like your grandson’s “teacher.”

  9. I’m with Opus….wonderfully put, and I’m going to print it out and keep it.

    And I’m still sick….going to see the doctor again today at 1500…..

  10. heh. in Baltimore, at least anywhere in the district where Hopkins Hospital resides, one can reasonably expect not to see a police officer for a half hour, minimum. something tells me that woman lives in MoCo or the “nicer” areas of PG County.

  11. Bob- Thanks, I’m trying to do the right things with him, just like I did with my daughters!

    Rick- Thanks too!

    Laura- No idea but you’re probably right…