WH tours cancelled…

Supposedly the White House tours are cancelled due to sequestration…

From the Washington Times-

The White House announced Tuesday that it was canceling all public tours of the president’s home because of the sequester spending cuts.
“Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 until further notice. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule affected tours,” the White House said in an email.

Full article HERE.  And Ramirez hits a homer with this one…

But the interesting part is that according to sources, the docents that give the tours are VOLUNTEERS!!!

So how can you fire/layoff volunteers???

And another Ramirez winner…

But you can BUY access… To ‘our’ house…

I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but I’m really beginning to wonder what his real goals are…


WH tours cancelled… — 13 Comments

  1. His goals are to cause pain and suffering to as many Americans as he can and blame the Republicans. That, to BO, is the preferred method of gaining long-term power for his party, much better than doing good things that many people will take for granted. It’s a partner plan to his scheme to let as many illegals as possible come here and give them a path to voting, knowing that it’ll tip the scales further towards the Dems forever. BO and his pals don’t care if they ruin America so long as they get to be in charge of whatever’s left. Just be glad that he hasn’t decided that a “limited” nuclear war that only knocks out a few American red states is possible. The Kenyan pretender would likely do it in a heartbeat, especially if he could blame the GOP.

  2. Agree with Murph – the whole point is to cause pain to the public. Given our current economic condition this is going to be a simple thing to do. And with the full control of the government in play in 2014 – it’s going to be a heck of a ride the next 2 years. The lovels Mrs. B simply looks at him and says “He’s Hitler.” He’s doing little to prove her wrong . . .

  3. He said before he got elected the first time that he wanted to fundamentally transform the U.S.

    That should have been enough right there for everyone.

  4. Oh, I don’t wonder about his goals at all.

    And he thinks he’ll get away with it because he thinks the American public is stupid. Which they’ve largely shown themselves to be when it comes to him.

  5. I think it has bothered Obama that for the past 4 years he has lived in a public house. He has rectified the problem.

  6. Maybe Obama wants to charge for a tour. OR more likely, he’s turning the White House into a Bed and Breakfast?

    $1 million gets you a tour and a night in the Lincoln bedroom.

    Don’t laugh. Don’t you dare laugh. (It’s ok to cry)

  7. His goal is to make himself an elite king separate from the commoners. The White House isn’t the peoples’ house, it is HIS house.

  8. +1 ML

    He lied about this and other aspects of the sequester. The mainstream media never calls him out on his lies. He suffers no consequences for lying to and screwing over the American people.


  9. What Matt and AGirl said.. It is no longer the house of taxpayers..

    I just wonder what all those folks who voted for him, think when they show up for a trip to Washington DC hoping to visit the White House so they can kiss his ring and the doors are locked.

    There is probably a sign up that says ” Closed for Tours, its George Bushes Fault”

  10. Murph/eia/Rev/WSF/Tim- Can’t disagree… dammit.

    Matt- Yeah…

    PH- True!

    Opus- Trying to turn it into HIS house is right…

    LL- Yeah, quite a high priced B&B!

    Agirl- Concur!

    JUGM- Good point…

    Mike- Makes you wonder doesn’t it???