
Is playing my song again…

At the airport 2 hours early for ‘international’ check in…


IMG_108314 hour flight… Butt is STILL asleep…

1 hour in customs, 1 hour wait, 2 hour bus ride…

Get to the lodging, jump in the show… @#$% fire alarm!!!

1 hour standing around while they go through the lodging… Sigh…


I’ll try to read/comment when I wake up…



Willie… — 22 Comments

  1. Thank you for your post. Makes me realize how uneventful my life is. Arose 30 minutes early because the birds woke me up. Had two cups of coffee, then a nice stroll around the neighborhood. Back for more coffee, and then the computer. May need a nap later. Oh, and the phone hasn’t rung.

    Happy trails!

  2. Glad you make it. Ahhh, Tokyo! Many fun nights there. But if you run across a 50 year old, tall, skinny, bucktooth (more so than normal Japs) person with has a Southern Japanese accent… you don’t know me.

  3. At least you luggage made it. I don’t miss that shi…stuff at all.

  4. Rev- Just another day at the oriface… sigh…

    Bill- Yeah, couldn’t resist the pic!

    Keads- Two more days… Sigh

    WSF- LOL enjoy!

    drjim- I envy y’all that! 🙂

    LL- Yeah,,, sigh…


    Brighid- Concur!

    Gerry- Since I carried on, yes it did! LOL

  5. WRT to a fire alarm while in the shower- it could be worse. I had just gotten my head all lathered up when we went to general quarters. The water immediately stopped. Salt water rinses start to itch after a few hours at battle stations…

  6. KA9- Oh yeah it does, and if you’ve got a helmet on it’s even worse! Salt water rinses an flight suits are no fun either… sigh

  7. Re-reading my comment, I realize I was trying to one-up you. Me and my stupid male ego. You had it worse 🙂 now and as a brown shoe. Hang in there.

  8. Joe- I refuse to answer that on the premise that I will incriminate myself one way or the other…