
Note: No fish were injured during this incident…

Standing outside smoking, I was idly watching the fisherman across the street trying to catch fish in the San Diego harbor.

I looked away and started back into the hotel only to hear a scream and a ‘crash’…

I looked around and there was a bicycle down, and the fisherman standing there with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

He’d caught a BIG one… bout  5’10” 170lbs… pissed off and fighting the hook…

Only problem was he’d ‘caught’ a bicyclist!!!

Myself and a couple of others wandered over, and sure enough, there lay the ‘injured’ party with a hook in his chest, and he was NOT happy…

The fisherman had apparently brought his rod back to make a cast, and the bicyclist didn’t see it, or didn’t pay attention, so he ran slap into the rod (and associated hook)…

And when the hook ‘set’, it yanked the pole out of the fisherman’s hand, and the bicyclist screamed and let go of the handlebars to grab at his chest… hence the wreck…

Thankfully the hook wasn’t in too deep and the barb had actually come back through the chest wall and his shirt, so a snip with a set of dykes, and the hook came back out pretty easily.

He got up and was kinda groggy, so one of the other guys called 911, and both a cop and an ambulance showed up… The cop just laughed, and told the guy he should actually LOOK where he was going; and no he was NOT going to cite the fisherman.   The ambulance crew wanted to transport, but the injured bicyclist declined, but said he was going to go see his doctor in the morning (tetanus shot), and get the wound track flushed out…

Since the show was over, we all left and the fisherman was packing up and grumbling about ‘ruined’ fishing…

In hindsight, I should have taken a picture, cause I’m ‘sure’ that was the biggest catch the fisherman had ever made… 🙂


Ouch… — 15 Comments

  1. It was THISSSSSSSSSS big ….

    You do lead an interesting life – either that or I need to get out more.

  2. You’d have thought that fishermen would long ago have come up with an equivalent to the golfer’s cry of “Fore!” when they make a cast. Of course on a busy fishing pier, you’d go insane hearing the magic word every few seconds.

  3. Ha! Having guided fishing in my past I’ve seen many of these that were both the fisherman’s fault and the “fish’s” fault that was caught. I’ve had to perform a few minor surgeries in my time.

  4. Owie! or however you spell it.. That had to hurt…

  5. Skip- Hilton Harbor Island…

    Robert- Point!

    Bill- Yep!!!

    45er- Yep, BTDT too, usually out of myself… sigh

    Gerry- Snerk…

    Keads- 🙂

    WSF- LOL, didn’t even think about it…

    JUGM- Yep!

    Mad Jack- Not at the price of lures these days!!!

  6. I know I shouldn’t say this Jim, but where did you find the two dykes to cut the hook barb and what tool did they use? A pair of side cutter pliers per chance? I know I know, I used those same ‘dikes’ a couple million times myself!! LOL Great story!