Back in the day…

Security was a ‘little’ different than today.  A number of folks have sent me this link, and I’ll put it up for those who are interested.  It’s about moving the A-12 from Palmdale to Area 51 back in the day…

Nobody with cameras, cell phones or any of that ‘stuff’… Years ago one of the tech reps at NAS Moffett was a former Lockheed Constellation flight engineer for Lockheed and flew from Palmdale to Area 51 on a regular basis.  He ‘hinted’ at strange things that went on, but as he said something like, “I’ve signed my life away for what I did, and I ain’t about to go to jail just to humor y’all.”

Warning, that web site is a TIME SINK!!!  You get to nosing around through the various pages and you can waste HOURS!  But you’ll learn a hellva lot of history from those who were there…

h/t Laura, JP, Frito, et al


Back in the day… — 7 Comments

  1. We have helo’s that could me her in a matter of hours. But I was thinking (dangerous I know)about the attitudes about the inconvenience the civilian drivers would have if they tried that today. It would probably crash the tweet network.

  2. I’m an associate member and I can say that if you think that website has cool stuff, you should see what it’s like at one of their reunions!

  3. Parrothead- Probably about like the Air America reunions… 🙂

    LL- Yep!

    WSF- Understood and agreed! Hauling a onezie anywhere is ‘always’ fun… Especially the first trip!