
Sometimes it gets a ‘tad’ out of hand on some of the mil forum discussions…


Closely followed by this one in the thread…\


And this one is just plain funny…

What are we hunting again???

Tactical canoe

Y’all have a good weekend, I’m going to try to un-kink my back after 5 days in the POS student chairs… sigh…


Snerk… — 15 Comments

    • Somewhere in that reply is a sadomasochistic joke waiting to erupt…

  1. #1 reminds me of a young Army Reserve Lt I used to work for. He wasn’t screwed together quite right, though. When asked during a training drill “How many teams do you want to use to clear the Enemy from this five-story building?”, he replied “One”.
    When asked what the hell kind of team he wanted, his answer was:
    I like his way of thinking…

  2. WN- Yep…

    Opus- NO PC on that particular forum… LOL

    WN- Hell, I’d AGREE with him!!!

    WSF- 🙂

  3. Pingback: Snerk… | Give Me Liberty