A nose under the tent???

Or the whole damn camel???

Remember back in 2008 when Memphis used Section 8 vouchers to ‘move’ people out of the projects? Remember what happened to the crime rates/locations/statistics???

Article on the report HERE.

Guess what…

HHS is trying to take this national… Proposed ruling is HERE.

The section that got my attention (and a few others that emailed it to me) is this:

Summary of the Major Provisions of the Rule

The proposed rule—in concert with other HUD policies—is structured to provide direction, guidance, and procedures for program participants to promote fair housing choice. The rule promotes these objectives and responds to the GAO’s observations by:

a. Refining the current requirement that program participants complete an Analysis of Impediments (AI) with a more effective and standardized Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), through which program participants would evaluate fair housing challenges and goals using regional and national benchmarks and data tools to facilitate the measurements of trends and changes over time;

b. Improving fair housing assessment, planning, and decision-making by providing data that program participants must consider in their AFHs, thereby aiding program participants establish fair housing goals to address these issues and concerns;

c. Incorporating, explicitly, fair housing planning into existing planning processes, the consolidated plan and PHA Annual Plan, which in turn incorporates fair housing priorities and concerns more effectively into housing, community development, land-use, and other decision-making that influences how communities and regions grow and develop;

d. Encouraging and facilitating regional approaches to addressing fair housing issues, including effective incentives for collaboration across jurisdictions and PHAs, and incorporation of fair housing planning into regionally significant undertakings, such as major public infrastructure investments;

e. Bringing people historically excluded because of characteristics protected by the Fair Housing Act into full and fair participation in decisions about the appropriate uses of HUD funds and other investments, through a requirement to conduct community participation as an integral part of program participants’ AFHs; and

f. Establishing an approach to affirmatively further fair housing that calls for coordinated efforts to combat illegal housing discrimination, so that individuals and families can make decisions about where to live, free from discrimination, with necessary information regarding housing options, and with adequate support to make their choices viable.

Through these improvements, the rule seeks to make program participants more empowered to foster the diversity and strength of communities and regions by improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation, reducing racial and ethnic concentrations of poverty, and responding to identified disproportionate housing needs of persons protected by the Fair Housing Act. The rule also seeks to assist program participants in reducing disparities in access to key community assets based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, or disability, thereby improving economic competitiveness and quality of life.

And if that isn’t enough to get your attention, there is THIS speech given by Secretary Shaun Donovan Before the NAACP’s 104th Annual Convention last week…

And this is the takeaway quote- (Bold and underline are mine)

Specifically, this new rule will:

• provide a clear definition of what it means to affirmatively further fair housing;

• outline a standard framework with well-defined parameters; and

• offer targeted guidance and assistance to help grantees complete this assessment.

Perhaps most important—for the first time ever—HUD is providing data for every neighborhood in the nation, detailing what access African American families, and other members of protected classes, have to the community assets I talked about earlier –  including jobs, schools and transit.

With this data and the improved AFFH process, we can expand access to high opportunity neighborhoods and draw attention to investment possibilities in underserved communities.

Make no mistake: this is a big deal.  With the HUD budget alone, we are talking about billions of dollars.  And as you know, decades ago, these funds were used to support discrimination. Now, they will be used to expand opportunity and bring communities closer to the American Dream.

This rule change is something the NAACP has long called for.  And when you’ve spoken, we’ve listened.  We have been proud to work with stakeholders like you every step of the way.  And we will continue to in order to strengthen this work in the months and years ahead to bring Fair Housing into the 21st century. 

Note that Donovan ONLY calls out African-Americans, I can’t help but wonder if this is a slip of the tongue or on purpose. I guess Hispanics, asians, and low income whites won’t qualify…

Remember how we were talking about if they couldn’t legislate it, this administration would regulate it???  Well, here’s another ‘regulation’ that is going to get crammed down our throats…

What’s next???

Sequestration- It’s ONLY for the military…


A nose under the tent??? — 22 Comments

  1. I read the same thing that you did and was going to blog about it. Progressives have been trying to force racial integration for the past fifty years with varying degrees of success. It’s the typical liberal way of operating. Elections have consequences.

  2. Dumming down the process to qualify and be entitled to a home that you are too fuckin lazy to work for. Wait… isn’t that what got the housing market in trouble to start with? Lazy government leaches who refuse to work and live, instead, off tax dollars deserve a house with a better wall to hold up their 50″ TV screen. Liberals!!!

  3. “Protected Classes” . . . . just take a moment to breath that two-word phrase in. Wondering who is going to protect the neighborhoods soon to be inflected with these “classes”.

  4. MSgt- Good question!!!

    LL- True, and this time they may pull it off… sigh

    Alan- True!!!

    Opus- Sadly you probably won’t find out until AFTER the fact.

    CP- Yep, here we go again, and our money will pay for it AGAIN!!!

    Bill- Again, good question!

  5. The gummint will always find money to spend for their pet projects, regardless of what the talking news heads tell us. Until it’s gone, of course … but that doesn’t seem to be stopping them yet.

    I guess they get real heartburn in Anchorage, with no public housing. Tough.

  6. I see many more GSA HUD jobs, locking in more “Progressive” voters (got to watch out for my own ass first). Most folks are too old to remember the 50-60-70’s “block busting”. Lots of insider real estate fortunes made then (Valarie Jarret?). Do any of these people see a parallel to Detroit?

  7. Hey, let’s not be so hasty! Just look at how well the Pilot Program worked in Detroit!

  8. I read it and don’t understand most of it, but I think that’s by design. All that said, if you want to see your home devalued all you need is some real solid section 8 housing in your immediate vicinity. I’m not touching the crime and gangs angle yet, just the presence of section 8 is enough to take it down 20% or so.

    One thing that can be controlled is public transportation. Get the bus line to stop serving your neighborhood and section 8 won’t even look at it.

  9. Old NFO – you may be forced to relocate to Detroit, all in the name of racial diversity.

  10. Rev- Good point!

    WSF- OH yeah, and folks ‘hope’ we ALL forget those days…

    Les- Yeah, right… LOL

    Mad Jack- Agreed, and I never thought about the bus angle, but you’re right!

    LL- Cold day in hell, just sayin… 😀

  11. Ex wife was living in what once was a nice gated apartment complex.
    Neighbor complained about the rent going up to 40 dolla.
    Ex was paying 800 some.
    Section 8. That used to describe crazy in the military.
    Place went downhill.
    Somehow the township mgd to force a change in ownership and exclude section 8.
    Better now.

  12. Ed- Yep, that’s usually what happens, but I’m surprised they were able to ‘break’ the Sec 8…

  13. I’m sure HUD will find a “regulation” that says my wife and I must rent our two guest rooms to protected classes.

  14. Yep,

    Spread the crime and sloth to more areas of the country. It makes no sense to me, but I guess I am not enlightened like the average liberal. What they need to do is to move the section 8’s to all the liberal enclaves and let them be neighbors. The liberals created them…now they can enjoy the experience.

  15. That happened to KC back in the ’80s. We had a “500-year” flood that damaged housing in that part of KC that was mostly black. Instead of repairing the damage, the houses were razed and the residents were moved, some en-masse, to KC’s suburbs. A thriving shopping mall saw an immediate rise in crime, shop-lifting, muggings in the parking lots.

    That mall is now nothing more than concrete slabs. KC refused to patrol the lots, insurance rates for the maill skyrocketed, mall lessees moved out and within a decade a thriving shopping area was dead. We used to do all our shopping there. I hit the books stores, my wife and daughter had their favorites. We watched movies in the theater, repaired our cars at the Sears Auto store. I took my daughter there for Halloween and for last minute Christmas shopping.

    The feds ruined it. Now that area is a blight and the crime rate has not fallen, just afflicted the remaining businesses. Walmart had a hyper-mart across the street from the mall. It’s closed now too. Benjamin Stables, the site of one of KC’s annual rodeos, is gone. Strips mall all around are empty.

    Yes, the feds know how to kill an economy.

  16. Rick- Yep! Can’t have all those uppity neighborhoods getting away with excluding folks just because they are not rich enough to afford to live there…

    Stretch- 3rd Amendment ‘may’ be a way around that one… 🙂

    Bob- Nope, THEY will pull the NIMBY trick and since they are in control they will make sure THEIR neighborhoods are protected…

    Crucis- Yep, and they don’t give a damn…

  17. Pingback: Section 8 Housing in your Neighbourhood by Decree | NELSONS HEAD