Probes Anyone???

Some interesting rumors are starting to ‘float’ among some of the Cyber folks after what happened today at the NYSE.

This is the third major ‘unexplained’ incident in the past two weeks, first it was Google going down for “5” minutes, then it was Amazon going down, and today NYSE was down for over three hours.  These are ‘supposedly’ three of the most secure systems out there, but as one person said today, “Once is an anomaly, twice is a trend, and three times is probably enemy action, ‘cept we don’t know if the enemy is internal or external…”

I’ll leave it up to you to figure out that last sentence…

Got cash?  Might want to get a little extra… Just sayin…


Probes Anyone??? — 9 Comments

  1. Federal Reserve (promisary) notes are all I’ve got ….can’t afford gold.

  2. If we make it past March ’14 without an economic collapse, devaluation of the dollar (probably both), I’ll be very very surprised.

  3. Though it’s a sad commentary, I don’t even have enough currency to build a small bonfire to warm me…

  4. 2 points. A) Are we sure that it’s Foreign Intervention, or could it be the Federales via the NSA and other Sooper Sekret Squirrel Agencies have received word from “Higher Authority” to “Hurry Up with those Damn Plug-ins! The Boss NEEDS to have Control of the Internet YESTERDAY!” B) Cash is Nice, but mine seems to go to “Beans, Bullets and Band-aids.”

    Oh, FYI: Stopped at my Local INDEPENDENT Gun Shop yesterday, and they had TONS of the Russian Calibers for Sale. I asked what the Purchase Limit was. I was told “It depends on how much Cash you have, or your Credit Limit, and how much room is your Car’s Trunk.” Plus the Prices were at pre-Frenzy Levels, i.e., say 2010 money. And since I now own Jay’s SKS, and there’s plenty of room in my Trunk…. ; ) So those who might be running Combloc Weapons, I’d be checking out the Ammo Supplies in your Neck of the Woods.

    Lord Knows, all it takes is one Phone Call from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave…..

  5. LL- Understood on BOTH… sigh…

    Rev- I’m hearing things like that around here too…

    Les- Interesting, thanks!

  6. Over the past 20+ years we have become totally dependent on one of our most ruthless enemies – the Chinese. I suspect they directly manufacture well over half of all our electronic devides. Poke your nose down to the component level, I suspect there are Chinese components in over 80% of all products – including computers, routers, cell phones, wireless routers, phone switches . . . the list is massive.

    Were I paranoid (I am, just a bit . . .) and if I believed that the Chinese learned past lessons better and had a longer view of conflicts – they do, IMHO – then I might just suspect that there are all manner of little “back doors” and “seceret passage ways” buried throughout our infrastructore – things like banking, investing, communications, power generation, power distribution, water purification, hydro-electric generation, nuclear power plants . . .

    Should their growing nationalistic party members bring back the glory of Mao, which they seem intent to do – I could easily envision waking up one morning “in the black” – no power, no communications, no water, no food distribution, no transportation.

    Yep, test runs?? I suspect they are run much more than DHS, NSA and every other spook organization let’s us know.

  7. I watched the movie “The Net” the other night. This reminds of that…. I think its our own government. Well BO probably sits in the Oval office puffing on a Newport watching video screens and live feeds from across the country.