Vito strikes again…

I swear that damn dog is nuts…

Waiting to see his reaction to the baby…



Vito strikes again… — 14 Comments

  1. Not the tone of voice I expected to hear out of that size and coloration… Where’s that great big, booming “WOOF!”?

    Then again, judging by the size of the feet he hasn’t grown into yet, he might just surprise me yet. What you need to do is rig a pigeon-thrower for tennis balls.

  2. PH- Yeah… sigh…

    Jenn- LOL

    Rick- yep!

    Brighid- Oh yeah!!!

    Gerry- Yeah, all 105 lbs…

    WSF- Nope, but he IS slobbering all over the laundry basket…

    LL- True!

    Murph- Probably! LOL

    Suz- Yep, I wish it had bopped him in the head!

    Scott- He can do that too, trust me!

  3. Clearly, his Momma wuz affrighted by the Eevill Plastic Basketweaver, just ‘fore she produced his litter…