Maybe doesn’t stay there anymore…
This is also apparently happening overseas, and not just to military but also to business folks.
Recently and with increasing regularity across the military and overseas civilians,
nefarious entities are targeting people through social networking sites; wherein, an online relationship will be established and nurtured to the point where the victim will share sexually explicit images and or video with an attractive person. Consequently, once those images/video are received by the nefarious entity, a threat of contacting
friends/family/employer will be made unless a payment is received.
With at least one case, the video and/or hyperlink was posted to youtube and possibly a company site. Past reporting indicated some persons have made payment, only to be extorted for more.
This has many ramifications, personal and professional, as well as criminal. Unfortunately, there is most likely no judicial solution to this.
Additionally, scrub your social networking sites in order to identify potential nefarious
If you don’t know them, you probably shouldn’t ‘friend’ them…
And if it seems too good to be true, it probably is… Just sayin…
Old NFO — if this is a trick to get me to send you naked pictures of Reverend Paul, Coffeypot, Well Seasoned Fool, or Guffaw, it’s not going to work — unless you’re willing to buy me a beer. Then I’ll send them and you can post them on the Internet… ;^)
Well, that explains some of the friend requests I’ve gotten.
I’m quickly approaching the age where “any attention” . . . even from “nefarious persons” would be ok with me . . . . 🙂
LL is free to send you anything on me at no charge. My lady friend and I make videos for aversion therapy for sex offenders.
ROFL… WSF really needs a drink spew warning before comment… Dammit
I don’t have any naked pictures of my, but I’ll post a photo on my blog showing you my nuts. The photo is a bit dated but it still works.
LL- LOL, you’re NOT my type… 😀
Ed- Yep, probably…
Bill- LOL…
Brighid- 🙂
CP- Heh…