
If it’s not bad enough that ‘we’ are putting up Christmas crap well ahead of Thanksgiving, apparently the Aussies are now doing the same…

IMG_1465And they don’t have an intervening holiday to mitigate the sales pitches…

Talking to the hotel manager, she was saying she’s been hearing Christmas music and seeing Christmas sales since mid-October.

And when you’re awake at 0400 and bored…


You start playing with pictures and views, and functions on the camera and computer…

View from my balcony down nine floors to the ‘ peaceful oasis’ area of the building next door…

Oh yeah, and one more thought…

When you’re sitting in the back of the bus, Aussie airlines run out of food just like the US airlines…  I was lucky to get a Coke Zero and a pack of crackers…



Meh… — 14 Comments

  1. Been there on all accounts.

    And I’m no Grinch, but really, Christmas stuff should start December 1 at the very earliest.

  2. Christmas decorations are made special by their limitation to a certain time of year. I agree, December is the appropriate time. Lingering into January for certain traditions.

    I am somewhat perturbed that Chanukkah starts this Wednesday night (had to buy a bunch of toys for the kids last week). But mollified that this early beginning will not repeat itself for another 22,000 years.

  3. LL et al- Concur!!!

    Opus- I didn’t know that… Interesting!

    Rick- Well, I DID get crackers and a coke for $10… sigh

  4. He he, I’ve got one that tops that!

    I live in the Philippines and they have a custom that when the year rolls around to the “Ber” months, Christmas stuff starts going up in stores and around town, and music starts playing. What “Ber” means is SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER and DecemBER. One-third of the year! How’s that for getting an early start on your Christmas shopping? Wish it would do more for the Christmas spirit! But as it is around the world, the real meaning of CHRISTmas has been lost and it’s all about money.

  5. Christmas should start on Thanksgiving, when Santa rides in the parade.
    That’s about 4 weeks which tracks the 4 Advent weeks.

  6. yeah, I’m with LL and everybody else, and so is my wife.

    She really gets pissed about the way they’re rushing the season….