Random travel…

In the some ‘stuff’ never changes category…

Bicyclist the world over seem to think they ‘own’ the road, and South Australia is having some big bike race/to do this week…

Soooo, this morning on the way to my meeting, I’m poking along on a main highway, seldom getting over 20-30 mph kph.  I’m about three cars behind a semi and I’m wondering WHY since the speed limit is 50kph.  I can ‘kinda’ see what looks like a pack of bikes in the left lane, but that doesn’t explain why the truck isn’t going.  Suddenly the semi just LAYS on the horns, and keeps on them, and I see smoke pour from the stacks on the truck. And all of a sudden it’s like a covey of quail flushing and going everywhere!!!

Apparently the bikes were taking BOTH lanes, and the trucker had finally had enough… LOL

In the ‘unfortunate advertising’ category, on the main road out of town, it appears there is a restaurant called Chicken Chef right next door to a business called Australian Birds, specializing in rare birds.  I just wonder what gets served as what in that restaurant…

And in the music is world-wide, I’m sitting in traffic and suddenly Sweet Home Alabama comes on the radio… Talk about a double take!!!

And it’s ONLY in the 90’s here today, a positive cold spell…


Random travel… — 15 Comments

  1. I don’t know why bicyclists don’t fear motorists more in the West. In China they have little fear, but that’s misplaced because they’re run over ALL of the time.

  2. I hate bike riders in general – most bike people don’t follow driving rules in the street and are a huge menace in traffic. I swear if one more person tries to hit me on the sidewalk or when I am in the crosswalk where I have the right away – they are going DOWN. Annoying.

    Hurry back – you’re missing all the snow!

  3. IDF gal took me to a bar way out in the desert of Israel. They were playing Sweet Home Alabama there too.

    It does mess with your mind.

  4. Yep, had the bike riders taken up the road this past weekend in Carolina, on a two lane country road. I was tempted to tap the one who was not in line into the field but JUGM said no. Bring some warm weather home with you.

  5. Oh. Dude. You SO need to be here. But because you’re special, we’re saving a repeat of Monday for you over the next few days.

  6. LL- Ego??? Hell I don’t know- and in the Far East they DO run over em on a regular basis… and scooter riders too!

    MRs. C- Understood and fixed the double tap… And no, I’m NOT missing the snow!

    Gerry- Yes it does!!! 😀

    WSF- Oh yeah… sigh

    Tim/Rick- Me too!!!

    Senior- LOL, know THAT feeling… I’ll get what I can in my bag…

    PH- Nah, go ahead without me… 😛

  7. The special-snowflake dumbass bike-spandex Bianchi-monkeys around here climbing the hills three abreast all seem to be rather older than me – which puts them with the affluent shitbags from my older sister’s class in HS who had $1000 bikes and $100 hiking boots in the Mid 70’s.
    They act tough and I bet they have a tough lawyer too – so I just give ’em the finger and a horn blast as they ride stupidly on crowned country roads with no shoulder. The drunk high-school kids in lifted Broncos will take care of that shit hopefully. Or maybe a deer in the rut will commandeer their spandex ass.

  8. I really don’t understand all the hate for bicyclists.

    Sure, I get the whole “the assholes are clogging up the road” thing – but that is because the culprits are assholes, not because they are cyclists.

    All this animosity is weirdly reminiscent of the “all gun owners are baby killers” meme against which we strive so mightily.

    There ARE “good cyclists”, and contrary to what appears to be popular opinion, they aren’t all dead.

  9. NC- Yeah… Same in VA too!

    Sendarius- The ones I’m talking about are the ‘dilettante’ bikers (as one of the pros called them). They do the team dress, ride in packs and stop every two or three miles for a coffee; so they bum rush a coffeeshop, tie up the sidewalk, take all the tables for a half hour, and do it all again… And they never get over 20kph…

    The few hard core bikers I saw tended to be singles or pairs, and they were actually PASSING traffic in most cases! And were very attuned to the traffic and worked well with it.

    Ed- Yep!

    • I know the ones you mean.
      We call them “MAMILs” – Middle Aged Men In Lycra.

      On the other hand, the Lycra look might not be a good one, but it sure helps your skin stay together when you get knocked from your bike by a knuckle-head car driver – as I can attest from personal experience.

      As to passing traffic – my commute to work by car was 45 to 55 minutes. I can do the same trek in less than 40 minutes on a bicycle, AND I get fitter every day. Win-win. 😉