Overheard in the car…

Various comments may or may not have been heard as we may or may not have been heading out to a location…

DSC00754GIF- “Are you SURE we’re supposed to be here?”

Me- “Yep, I know I’m good, y’all on the other hand…”

GIF- “I mean what is the worst they can do, shoo… er… don’t answer that…”

And then there was this one…

DSC00753GIF- “Now you’re beginning to worry me.”

GIB finally pays attention as he cell phone dies. “WTF? WHERE are we going?  And why to you yield to a…”

As a chopper goes overhead with a payload hanging.

GIB- “Oh… Never mind.”

Me- “Almost there.  One more turn…”

And the last one.

DSC00752Me- “Ummm, you guys have had all the kids you want, right?”

GIB/GIF- various mumbles…

As the radio in the car dies to static- “Yep, we’re here…”


“Are we having fun yet?”

“Depends on YOUR definition of fun.”

GIB- “You assholes call THIS fun?”

Smiling, “YEP!”


Overheard in the car… — 20 Comments

  1. “If you start to feel warm inside don’t worry. It’s just the Microwaves.”

  2. Art- 🙂 Those that needed to…

    drjim- Too late for that… LOL

    Tim- Unless they moved it to a rock, not us…

    Rick R- Yeah, BIG microwaves…

    Murph- It’s either have fun or bang head against wall…

    OS- NW of there.

    Mrs. C- Not this trip… sigh

  3. I’ve been to places like that before. You don’t feel quite right for days afterwards, just wondering what you might have been exposed to….. If they were really cruel, they’d slip methylene blue into your water and really trip you out.

  4. There you go, off doing your Secret Squirrel stuff again. Ducking out on the crap weather the East Coast is having again.
    I think I’ve seen photos of where you’re at, back when I worked for RMS, Tucson… You know, the folks that make Disposable Products.
    Be safe, enjoy the weather. Lucky bastard…

  5. Sign at entrance to a place I worked:

    Remove all metal objects from pockets and person.

    Along with rings, watches, necklaces, dog-tags, and eye-glass frames (that got me out of the detail) they even checked shoes for metal eyelets. Since I was civilian they didn’t issue me plastic framed glasses as they did with GIs.
    I got to sit in the truck and run supplies to the loading dock.

  6. Reminds me of my first drive on the Gila Bend Gunnery Range (aircraft strafing and bombing). Getting from entry to a scoring tower was a scary experience.

  7. WN- I’m back, just in time for the snow… sigh

    Stretch- Smart move! 😀

    Rick- If you can call sunburnt WITH sun screen on fun… sigh

    PA- LOL

    Bob- Heh, yep I can imagine…

  8. Cameras in a restricted zone??? Things have changed since I was behind the fence.

  9. Reminds me of driving a van in Germany up to the ICS of a Luftwaffe Nike-Herc site, and wondering what that ‘Verrrttttt!” was every so often, then realizing, the inside of the van somehow demodulated the search radar pulse every time it spun and aimed at the van. Of Course we got our’s back, when we took our MRC-117 hf crew cap truck and parked it outside the buildings and keyed the mike for a radio check and swatted out the scope’s. Got us tossed off the site *real* fast. 8*)