
Who knew… I guess I’m just suffering from early onset grumpiness…

But the good times apparently have an expiration date. The men found that their happiness began to diminish around age 70, which NPR dubs “the approximate moment when grumpiness kicks in for men.” The study, published in March’sPsychology and Aging, shed some light on why the men, who were between the ages of 53 and 85 during the 15-year study, found that life improved at first, then started to be a downer around 70.

Read the whole thing HERE on

Couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with how tired I am…


Grumpy… — 17 Comments

  1. I may be suffering from the early onset of grumpiness…

    But it’s been coming for a very long time. Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and all that rot.

  2. Heck, I’m 26 and constantly get texts from my Lady, both big and litt sisters, my S-1 (female) reminding me “don’t be grumpy”

  3. Just because I’ll be seventy in a few months doesn’t mean I will be grumpy, dammit. And I am tire of hearing this crap, too. So stuff it.

  4. Well they didn’t say how many years past 70 until you hit that peak and start to cheer up again. Maybe you’re there. 😉