
NINE hours of this…

On the road

573 miles in nine hours, one ‘minor’ fender bender that I saw…

An hour ten of THIS for the last 33 miles… sigh

DC trafficAND three accidents…

But dinner last night was worth it! ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Digging into the peach cobbler for dessert/dinner tonight, then sleep in my OWN bed!




Meh… — 13 Comments

  1. We did that for 7 hours today (well…minus the very enjoyable stop at Cabela’s). Lots of crazy on the road, especially in the interminable construction zones. And I swear, people couldn’t seem to pick a lane today to save their lives! We finally bailed on the interstate 30 miles shy of home and went back roads the rest of the way.

    But dinner last night was -definitely- worth it. Miss y’all already!

  2. Oh Good Lord – PLEASE send that rain our way. We’re dying down here for lack of moisture… (BTW – yesterday’s high was 99)

  3. Pedi- Yeah, NOT fun…

    Tim- If only I could… 40’s and calling for 3-5 inches in the next three days.

    Ed- LOL, yeah but I was YOUNGER in those days…

  4. Glad you got home safe despite a ‘slight’ fender bender and that you had some munchies for your trip. Sleep well in your own bed! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Mrs. C- The ladies took care of me! ๐Ÿ™‚

    MC- Thankfully it wasn’t MY fender bender… ๐Ÿ™‚