Some Days…

It just doesn’t pay to chew through the straps…

Up and OMG dark 30 to get to the airport, to make sure I have time to check in a bag with ‘something’ in it.  Thankfully I was there WAY early…

Took almost an HOUR, because they couldn’t find a supervisor to sign off on the paperwork/approve the notations… sigh…

Get on the airplane, a Dragon Lady is sitting across the aisle.  Blocks the aisle until ‘she’ is happy with everything in the seat.  Then finally sits down, plugs in earbuds and totally ignores announcements, etc.  So we get in the air, she immediately gets up to go pee (or something), has words with the FA…

So food is served, she bitches about that, then about the temperature, FA brings her a blanket.  But it ‘smells’ after she takes it out of the plastic bag.  FA gets another one. (this is all in a voice that sounds like chalk screeching on a backboard).  She finally shuts up.

Get to the destination, no bag… WTF??? Finally go check with baggage folks how have wandered back- “Oh yes, we have your bag, can I see your baggage tag and and ID?  Really???

Go get a rent-a-wreck, haul ass to my meeting, and the @#$%^ key won’t come out of the ignition…  Back to the rent-a-wreck agency, get another one.  Back to the meeting, BUT I can’t get in now…

Give up, go to the hotel annnddd… wait for it…

NO RESERVATION!!!  I pull out my confirmation number, nope no reservation in the system… But the can get me in for two nights…


I think I’m going to find a bottle, open it and pull the cork in after me…  Either that or turn around and go home and try this whole trip again…


Some Days… — 25 Comments

  1. You and me, Hermano.

    We have the same experiences…
    And folks think a traveling life is soooo cool.


    • And folks think a traveling life is soooo cool.

      I’ll second THAT, coz I used to hear it all the damned time. One just smiles and nods after a while.

  2. If I’d known my mother in law was going to be on your flight I’d have warned you to check your seat number. Sorry about that.

    As far as the rest of it goes, yep, one crappy trip.

    My condolences regarding BOTH of the above.

  3. I’m thinking there is a need for a tall, good look’n, kickass personal assistant.
    Oh wait, that would be what I need, never mind, carry on.

  4. They really need ejection seats. They’d be useful, when a passenger is so annoying, the other passengers could reach a consensus and tell the flight attendant to pull the lever.

    Of course, overseas flights would require a life raft and a few supplies with the seat.

    • Let’s make the selection more interesting on those overseas flights: after voting to eject said passenger, another vote whether they get the life raft and supplies.
      Why do you say “of course,…” Some people don’t even deserve that consideration.

  5. Sounds like this trip you wound up with a stack-up of tolerances. Every manufactured part has tolerances. As you get more parts, tolerances get further and further from min/max. Eventually, the product quits working due to the sum of out-of-tolerance parts. Stack-up of tolerances. Most of your flights probably have none or a single failure. This time, you got them all in one trip.
    Sucks. Stay safe and hope the trip gets better.

  6. Bob- Oh THANK you… And this is only day one…

    Dammit- LOL, yeah, you don’t want THIS trip…

    Jess/WN- It would have been ALL for today… and definite ‘maybe’ on raft/supplies…

    WN- Yep, at least I got three out of the way, so maybe the ‘rest’ of the stops will go well…

  7. I’d say have a vote on whether they get a parachute and/or supplemental O2 with the ejection seat. Would make an interesting ride with the O2 and not the chute.
    Wished I’d had that option for the dragon lady that sat down next to me and started putting on nail polish on a flight several years ago. Had me choking on the fumes.
    As for the key I would have broken it off “trying” to get it out, called the rental agency and told them to bring you a new car and wait for you to finish your meeting.
    Yes I had a bad day at work, does it show? 🙂

  8. Bloody hell!

    Old NFO, what the hell did you do to or say about Murphy?? Because he sure as anything had it in for you this trip didn’t he?

    If it’s been me I would definitely headed home and pulled the trapdoor down after me. LOL.

  9. HT- Problem is, the rent-a-wreck folks couldn’t get to where I was… sigh

    Morris- STILL thinking about it…

    Rev- Only problem is I’m here now, and I don’t do red-eyes…

  10. Soumds like you may need a fifty five gallon drum of your favorite adult beverage to make it through this trip

  11. I think a lot of us are nodding our heads, but usually all that doesn’t happen in one day. A few years ago GM car’s were so unreliable that I was tempted to reserve two in order to have one that actually performed as expected. “Dead batteries, no AC, traction control light blinking, causing the car to jerk often.” on & on!! AS to air travel, well it just sucks these days!

  12. Rick- LOL, tempting…

    LL- Yep, THIS was one of them…

    Mrs.C- 😛

    Woody- Yep, got a triple on this one… sigh

    WSF- Yep and ‘I’ am the damn bug!

  13. Yeesh. The only thing that you could have added to that is that it was February and your meeting was in Fargo…

  14. I say get you a long neck bottle of Jack Black and strap a baby nipple on it and head for the hotel room. Lay on your back with your hands behind your head and suck on that baby until you don’t care.

  15. I don’t know if that beats the meth-head I sat next to…
    But you have met a lot of “good” interesting people in your travels, right?
    (remember, some of them are reading this…)