I have to give LL over at Virtual Mirage kudos for probably the most creative pimping of my book I’ve seen…
Go read HERE.
I’m gonna owe him BIG TIME! 🙂
Ironically, I got this last night from a Nam Vet who did ‘other’ things after Nam and read The Grey Man…
More to follow but (a) all rings very very true, (b) really good writing, (c) more of my life in there than I am comfortable with, (d) wonder but don’t need to know how close to your bone that book is. Fantastic work, thanks.
To get that review from this particular gent made the whole damn thing worth it…
That was brilliant!
Well deserved Kudos for your book. I really like LL’s books as well, especially “The Old Whore” (partly because there’s a great love story tucked in there, but don’t tell him I said that.)
Jenn- That it was!
Dammit- Yep, LL writes a helluva good book! All of his are good reads!
I am in awe.
Ed- Yep, he done good with that one!
Hey Old NFO;
*wow* I bow to the sheer genius of that posting….
And it was a good plug for your book…
Bob- Wasn’t it though!!! 🙂