Heads up SOCAL…

Lala land is at it again…

Los Angeles is looking to follow in the footsteps of two Northern California cities that enacted bans on possessing large-capacity ammunition magazines that have stood up to Second Amendment challenges so far.


The revised Los Angeles proposal would make possessing large-capacity magazines a misdemeanor one year after the ordinance’s adoption and give owners of the clips 60 days to surrender them, with several exceptions for law enforcement, museum collections and for magazines that hold 10 or less rounds of ammunition for firearms purchased before Jan. 1, 2000.

Full article HERE.

They tried micro-stamping, it failed… The hi-cap ban is being appealed… They tried banning ARs, it failed…

How about just enforcing the @%&() laws on the books you stupid SOBs???


Heads up SOCAL… — 17 Comments

  1. That’s sure to disarm the gangs in LA – in the same way they did it in Chicago and Newark…

    The City of Los Angeles is not all that large when compared to the LA Basin or the Greater Los Angeles Area. You’ll note that it’s not Los Angeles County, Ventura, Orange, Riverside or San Bernardino Counties which are doing this. Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties are predominantly Republican. Ventura teeters.

    Most of the City of Los Angeles qualifies as either exceptionally rich (and Liberal) or exceptionally poor (and Liberal/non-voting).

    This is a political stunt for people who aspire to hire office in the bankrupt infrastructure.

  2. How about just enforcing the 2nd amendment.

    Amendment II

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  3. How about just enforcing the 2nd Amendment?
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  4. Little by little, these socialist idiots chip away at the law. They ban a little here, a little there, they ignore laws, they pay off judges to overturn them. It reminds me a lot of how cockroaches operate.

  5. There is a swell of push back from the CalGuns group. But Los Angeles has 6 million people and only 20 or so have any clue what’s going on.
    I can not wait to move back east.

  6. What? You want them to actually incarcerate the criminals who actually use guns illegally? Never happen in California because the majority of those criminals tend to be ethnic minorities/”Usual Suspects”, and therefore such enforcement would be “racist”.

  7. Ed- Agreed!

    Eurpidies- Exactly…

    Rick- Yep

    Danny- Calguns are good folks! And come on back!

    Murph- Yeah, I know… sigh…