The Grey Man, update…

Book two is out for beta read now, having been through the first editing pass…

Here is what was chosen as the cover.


Thanks to my VERY GOOD graphics artist Tina Garceau. She can take my off the wall ideas and turn them into something that is attractive and matches the ‘tone’ of the book to a ‘T’…

Thank you lady!

Looking at late September/early Oct publishing date. Β More information as the final steps get done.


The Grey Man, update… — 23 Comments

  1. Good morning, I just finished the chapter of the fed “raid” in book one.
    LOL that was great. I look forward to finishing it and getting book 2 πŸ™‚


  2. Happy to see it coming along, I am ready for Part 2. I know you will weave more of the US Coast Guard into this one. LOL

  3. Does that go for the dead tree version as well? My big sister has drafted the kindle for the duration

  4. Irish- Thanks!

    Danny- Sorry maybe the next one…

    SPE- Yep!

    Miguel- There will be.

    WSF- And matches the book, I think… πŸ˜‰

    Rev- Working on it! ;-D

  5. Very nice cover, and I am, as always, waiting patiently for the release date… this isn’t as bad as waiting impatiently for a lady to get prepared for the date… but almost.

  6. You’re right, Tina does have a magic touch. I like. Now if your side is half as good, you’ll have a real winner! Anxiously waiting, but patiently also, lest quality falls victim to fervor πŸ˜‰

  7. PH- slogging through…

    Murph- πŸ™‚

    XS3- Yep, she’s MUCH better at her side than I am… But I’m learning…

  8. Very Cool!! I have some vacation time to take then, and love to take a good story with me πŸ™‚ Can’t wait!!

  9. If this is the same Grey Man I’m thinking of – old operator and his niece(?), then count me in as a customer.

  10. Suz- Hopefully I’ll get it out quickly!

    Mrs.C- You’re a treasure!

    Charlie- Yes sir, round 2! πŸ˜‰

  11. Hey Old NFO;

    I of course will buy both electronic version and the dead tree version…..Just sayin…….Autographed of course…