Playing Ping Pong again…

I got a week to play catch up, now back on the road again…

I had a quiet weekend, mainly because my back was giving me fits, but ya know, it was actually nice to NOT have to get up at 0530… I slept in till 0700…LOL

Watching the coverage of the Baltimore fiasco for lack of anything better to do lends credence to the statements heard more than once about media bias. It was interesting that BO spoke out about the Baltimore issue, but NOT the May Day riot in Seattle where three officers were injured. I read a few books, and I’ll recommend Bill Keller’s new book Just the Basics.

Bill Keller JtB

Bill is a long time NRA and personal defense instructor, and I, along with a few others, have taken courses with Bill.  This is an excellent book for someone just getting started, but it’s also got some GOOD training drills in there all of us could use.

It’s worth having in the library, and I’m getting a second as a loaner book when I get questions about shooting.  Bill covers the basics, safety, holsters, carrying and training in an excellent, readable book!

You can get a copy HERE.


Playing Ping Pong again… — 8 Comments

  1. Took me a long time to quit waking up at 4:30AM, still in burn’n daylight mode I guess.
    Safe travels.
    Wholeheartedly agree about Bill’s book. I’m going to have to get another copy, as mine is well thumbed…

  2. At least you didn’t announce that you were playing pocket pool…

  3. Dammit- Yeah, ranch folks DO that…

    Fargo- It’s worth it!

    Ed- I’m the ball on this one…

    PH- Snerk… Not going there!!!