
Dunno about you, but I think ‘I’ would let him have the fish…


I’m sure there are others in that pond… Just sayin… šŸ™‚


Hmmm… — 21 Comments

  1. That’s just a water snake, not a Cottonmouth. Still, there’s usually plenty of fish for both snakes and man.

    • yup. cranky but nonvenomous. i’d expect a bite or two while trying to remove the hook.

  2. Nope, Nope, Nope! Not going swimming today!!
    And I do NOT want the hook or lure back either!! šŸ™‚


  3. Or just let the snake swallow the fish (and hook) and then screw around with the snake on the end of the line…maybe troll with the snake, looking for a really big fish.

  4. Same thing happened to my son and nephew several years ago. They left their stringer tied to a bush and wandered off down the creek. When they got back they found a cottonmouth hanging from one of the fish on it. We let him have the whole thing…

  5. Robert- True! šŸ™‚

    Suz- If you’re REAL careful, you could get the lure back… šŸ™‚

    Ed- Either or…LOL

    LL/WSF- Where’s your sense of adventure? Nothing like a water moccasin in the boat with you to liven in your ‘fishing’… šŸ˜€

    Tim- Oh yeah…

  6. While at Dam Neck in Va learning to fly that DASH helo, a friend an myself went fishing in an aluminum boat in the swamp right there. Being both Yankees we didn’t know, nor did anyone tells to stay out from under the low hanging trees. So when the cotton mouth fell into the boat we about killed each other trying to beat the snake to death with the oars. Thought about jumping overboard but they had warned us NOT to go swimming. I do NOT like snakes, even a little bit!!

  7. “Iā€™m sure there are others in that pond”

    Heck with that! I’m going to find another pond … in another state.

  8. Why am I the only one saying I’d take both? Tastes like chickin.

    I also had a cottonmouth drop into the boat. I was age 7 and it was the Alligator River. Brother and me and a fiend were checking trot lines. Instant pandemonium when that snake dropped.

  9. I live in God’s parlor, the Puget Sound Basin, where there are no venomous critters and awesome amounts of fishable water. A drive of an hour puts you in the Cascade Mountains where almost all the creeks, rivers, lakes and ponds abound in fish. As a benefit, the state has no problem with folks carrying a sidearm, as long as it’s open. No permit required. So when hiking, fishing, camping and hunting, I do.

  10. Ev- That’s what the sawed off 12Ga is for… šŸ™‚ Not that ‘I’ have ever done that… sigh

    Stretch/Rick- LOL

    R- True! I’ve had rattler, but not cottonmouth

    Dammit- Yep, and bite in the water too!

    Gerry- LOL, just rub it in… šŸ˜›

  11. Not too many snakes when one is ice fishing.
    Although when ice fishing, there is the coffee with brandy “snow snake” bite preventive.
    Never knew of anyone getting bit after a few of those fortified coffee’s.

  12. I went turkey hunting with a platonic friend who I will just call “Bob”. He was visiting me down south, from way up North where he and his family lived. I had no luck the first morning and told him on return to camp that I HAD spotted this huge gobbler surrounded by hens in the middle of a field, too far away to get a shot. He immediately said “come on” and we hiked back there. I watched as he suddenly dropped to the ground in the tall grass. Bit by bit, he inched on his belly towards the turkey until suddenly he shot up and got his shot off, hitting the bird. Gloating, he asked why I hadn’t thought of that. “Simple, I said”. That field is full of copperheads.”