Aviation Art…


It gives a nice, icy mood, perfect for December 1944, when Dahl flew his “Blaue13” on bomber intercept missions with JG 300.

By the way, the clouds at the top of the image remind me of layers of cirrus, formed by dissipating aircraft contrails. I am not sure if it was intentional, but it’s a nice hint to their creators: the hordes of allied heavy bombers Walter Dahl and his Schwarm is hunting for.

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Aviation Art… — 5 Comments

  1. Some call it the best prop-driven fighter of the war.
    An MD friend of mine has on in his hangar he’s attempting to rehab. Mighty expensive… I hope he’s successful.

  2. I’ve seen them fly and they are beautiful. I would have wanted to fly against them in a trial of machine-on-machine if I’d been there, because that’s me.

    Great art.

  3. GB- Expensive is right! He’ll probably spend in the neighborhood of $2M!

    LL- They are, in the ugly is beautiful way. I’d want a Corsair if I had to fight them!

    WSF- Good point, that is something ‘we’ forget, since we never dealt with bombing of our factories!