Aviation Art…

Sorry, the scheduler didn’t schedule…


Having talked to a few Brits that flew the “Shacks” as the Shackeltons were known, their instructors were the guys that few the Sunderlands during WWII. To a man, they said the ‘boys’ that flew the Sunderlands were crazier than bedbugs!

They had NO altitude restrictions, and one Group Commander remembered on one of his early training flights they almost hit the water, due to the instructor ‘forgetting’ the Shacks weren’t flying boats…


Aviation Art… — 6 Comments

  1. thats just cool.. Hope your Jax trip went well, we were down last weekend too. Got some beach time, but it was so windy we couldn’t enjoy it.

  2. For flying boat fans, a Martin Mars will be in Oshkosh for this summers AirVenture.