Aviation Art…


It is the late summer of 1940, and the Battle of Britain is at it’s height. Racing for the coast, following a bombing mission over southern England, a straggling He111 of KG55 has been attacked by a Spitfire of RAF Fighter Command. The bomber is badly damaged, but in the nick of time a pair of Me109s of JG26 have come to the rescue, sending the Spitfire diving into the Channel. If they are lucky the Heinkel crew may still make it back to their base in France.


Aviation Art… — 3 Comments

  1. A well designed and useful airplane. One account I read a few years ago was the HE 111 wasn’t sexy enough to interest Adolph and his sycophants. By them leaving it mostly alone, the professionals could use it as needed.

  2. LL- Yes it is.

    WSF- I think I read that, written by a former German bomber pilot… Interesting how Hitler threw away some of the ‘best’ airplanes due to his foibles…