Yes, this is an ad, but it’s two beautiful warbirds and pilots having fun!

And the eye candy isn’t bad either…


TBT… — 11 Comments

  1. Oh yeah…

    The P-51 gets all the press, but there is just something about the F4U which really gets me!

  2. Pilots with big watches flying war birds…
    a close second to cowboys with deep pockets riding great horses…

  3. I wear my Breitling B-50 Night Mission…but it never landed a pretty P-51. What’s that about?

  4. The eye candy was nice, but they are a dime a dozen. Those two war birds, on the other hand, are classics and not too many of them around.

  5. OK, call me slow, but I didn’t figure out that was a watch commercial until the very end. Hey, I was distracted by two of the finest birds ever built. (Take that however you want.)

  6. All- Yep, the birds would cost less than the ‘birds’ there… Sigh…

    Posted from my iPhone.