If only…

F8F 1976

F-8 on the pedestal at NAS Barber’s Point, July 1976 painted by volunteers of all races from the various squadrons. And yes, it was taken with Kodacolor and yes, it’s changed colors over the last forty years.

We still had the pride in America we had then…

Americans of ALL races, creeds and colors pulled together. We were AMERICANS…

Not like what we are seeing today…

War against the police, the apologists who say this was ‘inevitable’ because of the militarization of the police, yada, yada, yada…

Everyone seems to forget the drug pushers started the gang war against the police by uparming with automatic weapons, and all the police did was try to keep up, so they could go home at night.

War, and I don’t have a better word for it, against Trump, frothing at the mouth hatred, from supposedly ‘conservative’ people… Never Trump plays right into Hildabeast’s hands. I guess that is what they really want, 8 more years of the crap we’ve just lived through.

A coming race war…  Jackson/Sharpton/et al have been agitating for this for years, and made lots of money off those they were ‘supposedly’ helping. It’s already occurring in Chicago between the blacks and Hispanics for control of the drug trade up there, and the same thing is happening in SoCal, and probably starting in Atlanta, NYC, Baltimore and Philly.

Add in the muslim extremist issues (and ISIS/ISIL adherents), the illegal aliens (and their gangs), and America has become a powder keg waiting for a match…

ALL lives matter! White, black, Hispanic, Asian, pink, purple, polka dotted, I don’t care. We need to get the politicians and agitators out of it, and get PEOPLE talking to people.

At this point, I think this year will be a turning point in the history of the US, either better or worse. Ignore the strident bloggers/facebookers/commentators and do your OWN research, then make your decisions.


TBT… — 15 Comments

  1. Feels like living in the late 60’s but with better communications.

    We need to drop “Law and Order” for “Law and Public Safety”. Order is what those with power define it. Public safety explains itself, IMO.

  2. We need to get the politicians and agitators out of it, and get PEOPLE talking to people.

    Which is a noble thought, and it seems reasonable enough on the face of it, but there is a horsefly in this ointment.

    Consider the mindset, the general education, and the intelligence of someone who is enthusiastically following Kweisi Mfume, Al Sharpton, or Louis Farrakhan. These are people who don’t think for themselves and don’t want to think for themselves. I believe that a large portion of them are incapable of thinking for themselves. It’s easier to spend your days taking government handouts, watching television, getting high and listening to rap music, and doing or believing what your leader tells you.

  3. I thought I was going to have to shoot photos of the DNC for work. When I discovered I didn’t have to, I felt a sense of relief. With all of the craziness that’s going on – large crowds like that now make me skittish.

  4. I think that this may be the first time that I’m quoting the Bible on anyone’s blog, but reading your post, this popped into my head (Matthew 13:28) But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this.

    The Obama Administration created divisive racial relations from improved divides, and they made it all worse. Far from being the uniter, Barack (and friends) became dividers.

  5. WSF sorta beat me to it. It does seem like the 60s all over again. However, along with better communications, the weaponry is also better, and the country is even more fragmented. It’s like the 60s on steroids.

    Looking on the bright side, however, we survived the 60s and came out of it a stronger country – even if it did take a couple of decades…

  6. “Ignore the strident bloggers/face bookers/commentators and do your OWN research, then make your decisions.” Except there are not a lot willing to do that.
    It is good to remember the past, it is good to look to a future (without Killary)…

  7. Progressivism can only survive by dividing people into groups. Since we have a poorly defined class system in the US (rich vs. poor), the progs have invented a myriad ways to identify groups and to ensure that we, as Americans, remain divided.

  8. I know people with 1970s college education (ie. much better than today’s). Raised in and about Chicago with full knowledge of what a Chicago pol is. Held TS/SCI and higher clearances with assorted intel agencies.
    Yet they will vote for The Dowager of Chappaqua with full knowledge of her actions.
    There is no reasoning with such people.
    They will be the death of this country or we the death of them.
    I fear I am being optimistic.

  9. Not sure I agree with the “better communication”…think it is definitely more communication, but better to me means more quality, instead of just more volume.

    Also think that if the “low-information voter” wasn’t so into all of the drama/crap out there, we as a country would be much better off. Basing decisions on emotions instead of facts/logic seems to be the progressive way, and look where that has gotten us.

    But I definitely agree with what was said. I miss the opportunity to politely disagree with folks, with the back and forth of conversation, instead of yelling and ranting and the entire “if I don’t agree with you, then I’m a hater, etc.” attitude. Free speech just doesn’t seem very free any more. Neither does the ability to agree to disagree on things.

    The times, they are sorta scary…


  10. Get ready for the Balkanization. Food, Guns, Comms.

    This is likely to be ugly.

  11. Stretch- I wish I could disagree, but I can’t…

    Suz- Agree with all…

    Heath- Possible, but I truly hope not.