Random thoughts…

As we approach Christmas, one makes choices…

How much can I afford to spend, and who do I buy things for?

What does that person want/need?

Are they old enough to appreciate the gift?

Do you buy for the parents or the kids? If so, do you check with the parents?

Can you actually GET the gift in time, or is it even legal in that location?

How do you corral the kids long enough to get the ^%*( gifts wrapped???

How do you integrate various family’s traditions?

How do you deal with those ‘inappropriate’ gifts? Like the three times regifted fruit cake?

Or the kids opening presents when your back is turned… Sigh…

I give up…

But sometimes, the looks are hilarious! A six foot plush toy for Kaya, who has NO idea what the hell has her surrounded… 🙂

Enjoy whatever traditions y’all have, do your best to keep your sanity, and remember- Tis the season… 🙂


Random thoughts… — 16 Comments

  1. Those family traditions can be tricky, especially when families expand!

    Those pics, and yesterday’s, are just too cute!! Your grandkiddos are getting big! Fast!!

    Enjoy your holidays.

  2. Looks like you’re settled in to your Grandfather role as a “spoiler”. Have fun. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Kith and Kin.

  3. How much can I afford to spend, and who do I buy things for?

    I buy stuff for my family – all of my family. If they don’t live near me, I ususally order the women things from Williams and Sonoma and give the guys gift cards from Bass Pro Shop. That seems to cover it. They get the stuff in the mail and are happy. I usually get a re-gifted fruitcake in return.

    Do you buy for the parents or the kids? If so, do you check with the parents?

    I have the parents give me a list for each kid so that there is less chance of duplication. I’m usually quite specific about that. Sometimes I see something that I think is “right” for a particular child and pick it up…something that makes NOISE.

    How do you corral the kids long enough to get the ^%*( gifts wrapped???

    I have 3 grandchildren living with me and that’s a problem. When their mother takes them out, I wrap, or I do it in my bedroom.

    How do you integrate various family’s traditions?

    I let the in-laws have Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning – the more desirable times, and claim Christmas Day from noon on. It seems to reduce conflict with four daughters and their respective families.

    How do you deal with those ‘inappropriate’ gifts? Like the three times regifted fruit cake?

    If it’s re-gifted three times, it can be re-gifted again, or I take it to the homeless shelter and let them fight over it.

  4. The fruit cake is no problem. Straight to the garbage can.

    Gripe and grumble all you want, but you are enjoying the time with the family.

    Have a merry one, Jim.

  5. Suz- They are!!!

    Mrs. C- Probably, if I can stop him from trying to eat the camera…LOL

    LL- Yep, those rules work, similar to what I’m trying to do. 🙂

    CP- Nah, just regift the damn thing again… 🙂

    Gerry- A huge tennis ball, which he promptly ATE in the first minute. 🙁

  6. That big plush toy looks comfy… It is just us 4 these days. Not much family anymore, this year is our first in the new house, and we did go a bit wonky shopping…But honestly, it only comes once a year and I enjoy it. I did all the wrapping while the kids were at school or after they went to bed..Now its killing them because everything is sitting out under the tree in front of them…lol

    Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!

  7. JUGM- It is, and damn near five feet long…LOL And the same to y’all! Now you can start your OWN traditions in the new house!

  8. One thing that seems to have worked for me is to have my kids move away to the furthest reaches of North America. That seems to have saved us a bunch of time and money this year.


    A Blessed Christmas to you and yours Old NFO.

    • No. But in my immediate family (me, mother, wife, 2 daughters) my mom and I are the only ones who like fruitcake. Add in my brothers and their families, and we’re *still* the only ones.

      A few of my mom’s many cousins admit to liking it, but it seems to run less than 1 in 4 in favor, if that.

      Just leaves more for the rest of us, I say.

  9. Most of the grandkids give me lists… long lists… I pick one thing from the long list, done. The others I shop for during the year, as I see things that they might use.
    Miss our large family gatherings at Christmas, we are scattered far and wide now. Blessed to still have Dad with us, and I’ll take that.
    Merry Christmas, Jim & family!