Gone Hunting…

Making one more try before the season ends…

Hoping for this…

With ‘my’ luck, will end up with this…

No connectivity, so no commenting or posting till I’m back late tomorrow night. Go read the folks on the sidebar, they’re good!


Gone Hunting… — 10 Comments

  1. I know you won’t see this until ‘after’.
    Hope it was successful and fun and safe!


  2. I hope the hunting was good, and that squirrels, turkeys, and other smallish critters stayed out of your way.

  3. Good luck and may the perfect buck walk into your sights (near your truck so you don’t have that far to drag it).

  4. This year I only saw two mommas with twins and even with a any deer tag I didn’t have the heart to take one of them.

  5. We’ve had a pretty good season, the newest Minion got her first deer, the two elder Minions have each taken a respectable one, and I’ve got one down. Nothing to run shouting home to Mother about, but will fill up the empty spaces between the free-range pork in the freezer. Hunting with some of the best kids I know (not that I’m prejudiced or anything) and having more fun than should be allowed by law, it’s been the best season since the last one!

  6. May the gods of the hunt hold you in high favor, and if they don’t there’s always the road kill wagon…

  7. Zip nada… sigh… Not even a fat squirrel… Got blown out Saturday night and this morning- Winds 20-gusting 30… But two days without internet, cell, etc. was VERY nice! Plenty of time to contemplate one’s navel, so to speak… 🙂

    Thanks for the comments folks! There is always next year…