Now a judge in California wants COFFEE to have a cancer warning label…


Article, HERE at AP

And even worse, he’s put it on the defense to ‘prove’ there isn’t an issue…

To whit, less that 1 in 100,000 chance of getting cancer from coffee. Soooo…

Going back to my days doing testing, you need at least 100 samples to be considered ‘statistically significant’. So, 100,000×100=10,000,000 people in the sample space, all of whom have to drink coffee at a measured rate/day. And you have to hope and pray there are less than 100 cases of cancer out of those people. The CMFM in this? There is not really a way to ‘specify’ what one gets cancer from…


Guess we’ll be seeing cancer labels on coffee…

Of course, if anyone goes to California routinely, damn near everything out there has some kind of cancer warning on it, especially the hotels and restaurants… One can only wonder if they will now have warning labels on coffee cups???


YGTBSM… — 24 Comments

  1. Drink coffee and get cancer.
    Don’t drink coffee and get 20 to life for killing someone.

    I’ll drink the coffee!

  2. Actually, there’s significant evidence that coffee prevents esophageal, stomach, liver, pancreatic, and a few other cancers. As well as lessens chances of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and a few other brain-based disorders. It takes four 6-oz “servings” per day for the help, and going over that doesn’t help more, but also doesn’t hurt.

    They’ve also found that, for most, coffee only has a short-term (measured in minutes) effect on blood pressure and heart rate.

    This judge is a farking idiot.

  3. “The State of California has determined that California is a significant source of cancer in lab animals. Also stroke, hernia, myocardial infarction, emphezema, high blood pressure, allergies, and disbelief.”

  4. As a large number of Kalifornians are brain damaged, due to cancer caused by belief in liberal progressive philosophy, I would suggest the only treatment that is 100% effective ritual seppuku.

    Libtard Kalifornians love abortion because anyone knows, living causes cancer.

  5. Everything in California is “known by the State of California to cause cancer,” to use the wording on the labels. I mentioned to my wife that pretty soon air will be “known by the State of California to cause cancer,” and she pointed out that in California, the air probably does.
    So I guess it all makes sense.

    • They actually did try to get air and rain water labeled as cancer-causing agents back in the late ’90s. It seemed that every single cancer patient had been exposed.

  6. Any of you old guys remember a hoax/April Fool joke perpetrated either by the Stars and Stripes or the Overseas Weekly, about coffee being banned in the military because it was carcinogenic? It was in 1974 or 75, if I recall correctly, and it caused QUITE a stir when it hit. I was in Germany then.

  7. I wonder if the baristas at Starbucks will have some sort of foam floater on each cup that warns the consumer that the cuppa they’re about to drink may BE THEIR LAST?

    The city water is foul enough in most locations that there needs to be a warning on each tap that taking a sip will turn them into a raging loon…which would explain a lot.


  9. Hey old NFO;

    You know EVERYTHING causes cancer in the great socialist state of California, it justifies all the nanny state government regulations.

  10. Let the judge eat cyclamates, for that old-school sweetness.

    Old cancer study there, and fuller of holes than the first buck of deer season.

    No one mentioned that in scaling up the rat data, the rats were 1) way overdosed, and 2) the dosage would be pounds per day for a human, and 3) the lawyers were looking out for their kinfolk.


  11. if it makes them feel better, then fine, go ahead and put a label on coffee cups that coffee might cause cancer. There have been labels for decades that smoking cigarettes cause cancer, but plenty of folks still smoke ’em. And there is waaay more evidence that cigarettes will cause cancer and other health issues than coffee will. Folks are going to do what they want.
    America, where you can still make your own decisions, even lousy ones, even ones that make progressive heads explode.

    • Next thing will be second hand coffee caused cancer because of the aromas coming from brewing coffee. Only in Kalifornia can this happen.

  12. See, when coffee is known to cause cancer? Then they can ignore their water quality until it makes Flint look good. Because clearly, it’s the coffee the water was used to make!

    Given what a dump Californians, Portlandians, and Seattlites make of their land while claiming they’re virtuous and environmental with all the regs they make others follow and personally ignore, that’s unfortunately just in line with their past decisions.

  13. The ENTIRE state should have a warning sign posted at every airport, dock, and “Welcome to California” warning sign “Caution this state is know to produce brain-dead politicians, and educationalists, and libertarts, and cause cancer and brain death in others”

  14. I think Psychokitteh has got it. How many *millions* did the lawyer community make off of cigarettes? And now they need a new cash cow. Well, here the state of California has provided it, and when they take you to court, you will need to “prove” that it doesn’t cause cancer when a Judge has stated, and mandated warnings (just like the cigarette pack), that it does.

    Pay up.

  15. So, the Commiefornia judge doesn’t believe in ‘innocent until proven guilty.’ Makes sense for there.

  16. California should just break down and up warning labels on their borders to the effect of “The state of California has determined that anything and everything, including the state of California, its environs, populace, products, imports, exports, and anything remotely connected with it, can cause cancer.”

  17. Basic logic failure. One does not say “Oh, yeah? Prove X doesn’t exist!” Logically impossible. Idiot judge.