
As if 2020 couldn’t get any stranger…


And before you ask, no, I have NO idea why Finland not existing is up there… But the Denver one is ‘real’…so to speak…

There is a rather interesting article, HERE about DIA, and yes those murals they have at baggage claim are ‘strange’ to put it mildly!!! And yes, there was a huge delay and MASSIVE cost overruns… 4X the original cost estimates!

I’m sure there are people that pretty much hit every level of this chart, which is one of the reasons I think so many people are ‘culling’ their friends lists, and becoming more careful about whom they associate with and when.


Sigh… — 22 Comments

  1. So the mystery of Stonehenge has been solved, about time the air farce released the files.

  2. So if you believe in George Soros influence in politics you are detached from reality. Really?

    • And Cultural Marxism? And Antifa setting wildfires? And COVID-19 made in a lab?

      Seems to me that if you want to discredit legitimate concerns you make a pyramid with the wackiest stuff that no one who should be on the outside a mental asylum believes, then you seed it with the stuff you are trying to keep off the radar. Guilt by association and all that.

    • Or believe, rightly so, that Soros engaged in anti-semitic activities in his life.

      We are just to ignore his own word as he said that he enjoyed routing out Jews and taking things from them, and his statements that he wants to destroy every 1st world nation in the Western Hemisphere.

  3. Considering a number of political races have had large contributions tracked back to Soros or his various ‘charities’, I’d move Soros down into the ‘We Have Questions’ tier. Add Deep State to that one as well.

  4. Soros belongs in the Green zone, his ‘investments’ in local DA elections is documented. That he was born a Jew doesn’t give him a free pass.

    Same with the Deep State, we are seeing it every day Hillary is not in prison.

  5. Hmmm…Denver Airport Art. Hmmm…Artists.
    My very best friend is an artist; my mama was an artist.

    I am of the opinion that artists should be kept on SHORT leashes with respect to creativity, and chained to their desks with respect to productivity. If you can manage those things, then you get absolutely stunning results.

    If you don’t keep a short leash on their creativity, then what starts out as a simple concept soon becomes extravagant, impressive, and mostly unrelated to the message you wanted to convey. Now, it WILL require that you are prepared to hurt the feelings of the artist. You have a television repair shop in the mountains. You want an advertisement picture of a mountain man holding a television; you get a picture of Tarzan in a swimming pool, because the outline of the swimming pool represents the screen on the television, and Tarzan has interesting curves to draw with the water running off, plus Johnny Weissmuller was a swimmer.

    If you don’t chain them to their desks with respect to their productivity, then the one-month deadline for the project to be completed means that the project doesn’t even get looked at until Day 29, MAYBE, if then. Usually, the project appears six to 18 months later, out of the blue, with a note saying “is this what you had in mind?” However, SOMETIMES, when you call ahead on the day of the deadline, saying you will be there in 15 minutes to pick it up, the artist BEGINS the project while on the phone with you, and when you arrive to pick it up, it’s the most perfect, beautiful thing you have ever seen in your life, and brings tears to your eyes and joy to your heart.

    (Which is why you ask them to do another project, instead of shooting them, and leaving the body in the parking lot as an encouragement to the others.)

  6. Let’s see… Taking the ‘fruitcake’ section of the inverted pyramid…

    As said above, George Soros is a real threat, wanting to destroy civilization and known for his anti-semitic activities.

    PizzaGate is becoming more and more real and less and less ‘Alec Jones’ every day.

    Q-Anon has been remarkably correct about many things, not as correct as WikiLeaks, but far more correct than the Main Stream Media.

    The Deep State does exist. Again, Main Stream Media, the mouthpiece for the Deep State, denies the existence of the Deep State. Sure…

    White Genocide. South Africa, anyone? How about Hate Crimes not being charged on a certain ‘minority’ when they injure or kill white people while minority is mouthing and filming said attack while saying anti-white things? Hmmm????

    Satanic Cults… So, if no SCs, why the Satanic ‘idol’ in DC? Why are US servicemembers getting the upside down pentacle on their headstones if they identify as Satanic?

    Antifa HAS started wildfires here in the US of A. It was mostly environmentalists and muslim terrorists that set the Australian wildfires, though…

    Subliminal messages on Children’s TV? DUH! It’s been proven, from colors to sounds to the way subjects are presented. Just compare the way Sesame Street (prog bastiges all) pushed agendas versus the same basic topic from Mr. Rodgers at the same time (Rodgers approached topics straight up with little slant. Sesame Street? Oh boy, slant city…)

    What’s that, something like 8 ‘wacko-level’ conspiracies that aren’t actually WL conspiracies, but are true?

    As to ‘Jew hating,’ sadly, it does exist. But what people hate are the non-religious Jews that push leftist agendas and play identity politics in order to cover for their marxism-socialism-communism. They can be identified by those that want Israel destroyed, believe the PLO is a good thing, support Hamas and other terrorist organizations, openly shout out against conservative Jews… So ‘simple man’ just lumps the loud, noisy, in-the-media Jew-in-name-only with all the other Jews, who aren’t JINOs. Sorry for a potentially sticky point there, but it’s true. Sadly. There is a segment of Jewish culture that is 100% anti-Jew. Dang-it. It’s kinda like ‘Florida Man’ being held up as an example of all non-Blue-State non-intellectually elite red staters.

  7. Oh, also, some Anti-Vaxxers have a point. Not a very good one, but some of what they say is based on real things.

    As to Covid-19 developed in a lab, that’s what many (now) ex-ChiCom virologists are saying. So…

    And, no, jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams. Flaming jet fuel, reacting with other flammable things does melt steel beams. Slight difference.

    Chemtrails? Well, some scientists say the exhaust from jets high up in the atmosphere does have a negative effect, so again, a drop of truth amongst a sea of stupidity.

    Global Warming Hoax? Nobody’s saying that Global Warming (or Global Cooling, or Climate Change) doesn’t exist. They’re just saying that mankind has little to no effect on the output of radiation from our Sun, or control over volcanoes, which are the #1 and #3 true effectors to our weather, #2 being our Moon…

    I wonder who exactly is behind this ‘Anti-Conspiracy’ pyramid. I mean, if I can shoot holes in their ideas so quickly… Maybe it’s… a conspiracy!

    • Agreed. It looks like they picked the obvious fruitcake ideas (Bigfoot, Greta Thunberg) and put them in the middle to trash ideas that aren’t convenient for the Deep State people.

      Reports of George Soros’s activities completely detached from reality? (And others as mentioned above.) Pull the other one. It has bells on it.

  8. For the last 30+ years where I’ve lived there have been Finns around. They tend to be rather quiet folks. And none of them in saunas look to be reptilian. (That’s a joke, son, I say, that’s a JOKE.) Reptiles don’t live in cold and icy climes.

  9. Hehehe, I’m glad to see a few folks picked up on what I noticed last night. Yep, the ‘pyramid’ is whacky for what is placed where, no question.

    Posted from my iPhone.

  10. Key claims of QAnon are apparently Satanism and pedophilia.

    Communism is a heresy of Christianity, and has features that might qualify it as a form of Satanism.

    Anyone who can look carefully at modern sex education and definitively say that pedophilia, etc. plays no role there is most likely blind or a liar.

    I don’t know QAnon’s specifics, those might not be true. But the generalities certainly seem at least defensible.

    For this reason, I find the vehement pushback interesting.

    Looking at DIA, knowing that Dave Boren liked the demonic horse statue, I’m reminded of the Dan Boren/NRA thing.

    The anti-vaxxers definitely have a point about the specialized federal court with jurisdiction for damages. Even if everything is actually okay, irregular arrangements can be cause for concern and for wanting to check for problems.

    ‘Science denial’ is a risible and politically motivated take on AWG skepticism. Both generally, and specifically, there are reasons to find that framing offensive and unscientific. General has been well discussed by others. Specifically, that is a problem of thermodynamic modeling, fluid mechanical modeling, and other domain modeling. In addition to the climate literature, there is a very wide and deep literature of those sorts of models done in circumstances where human lives are considered directly at risk. In the context of these other circumstances, would the modeling approaches from the climate literature pass the laugh test?

    I think this is aimed at the election, and that some of the theories are things they feel a need to try to discredit for some reason.

  11. Oh my, I’m right up there at the top of the chart! heh.

    Well, it’s all conspiracy thoery till it’s conspiracy fact. So.

  12. Huh. “The antisemitic point of no return” at the top tier. Tells you everything you ever needed to know about the people who created this chart. The fact that the chart is an attempt at gaslighting is also… illuminating.

    “Watch out! Orange Man Bad is trying to tamper with the elections!” as they openly screw around with the entire process.

  13. Placing Soros at the top of this chart instead of at the bottom where he belongs based on HIS OWN WORDS refers the entire thing false and pointless.

  14. If there’s any “conspiracy” about DIA, it’s under the “Conspiracy to Commit Fraud” heading.

    I have to admit, though, that the blue stallion (“Blucifer”) with the illuminated RED eyes looks pretty sinister at night.

  15. Yep. The pyramid is a subtle leftist attack on us and what we know to be true, mixing enough fantasy in with the fact to discredit the facts and all who try to talk about them. Goebbels would have approved.

    As for Finland, now that I’m surrounded by broke-ass lefties who want it all, I can explain that. The them, Finland is Mecca. Free health care, free everything, only the rich really pay taxes, etc. It’s everything that they want and if it were real, everyone would have already moved there by now. The fact that everyone has not all moved there means that either Finland doesn’t want to take in ten million unemployed coffeehouse baristas with useless Masters Degrees, or else it’s just not real. Obviously they choose the latter as their rallying cry.

  16. Was TDY in Denver back in ’98. One local assured me the DIA overruns went right into the pockets of local pols. We swapped Denver vs. D.C. stories. I won but he did have some interesting stories; contractors who were never seen. Trucks parked in one spot for months on end but always listed in the fuel and maintenance logs. Well, you get the idea.