A follow up…

On fact checkers…

Now, Facebook is admitting what many of us have known to be true for some time: Its fact-check labels are opinions rather than definitive renderings of the facts. In court filings (embedded below) related to a defamation lawsuit by John Stossel, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, claimed that the platform did not defame the veteran journalist because they were merely offering an opinion when labeling his videos about climate change as “partly false.”

From PJ Media, HERE. It’s a bit long, but worth reading…

And the Stossel lawsuit ‘may’ be the one that finally gets the judges/court/congresscritters off their asses to revamp 230 and make FB/Google/Twitter/et al actually responsible as publishers, which, in fact, they are!


A follow up… — 9 Comments

  1. Possibly apocryphal story about famous baseball manager who ran out on the field after an umpire’s call. At some point in the shouting this exchange occurred.

    Manager: You’re an asshole
    Ump: say that again and you’re out of here
    Manager: Can I think it.
    Ump: you can think anything you like
    Manager: OK, I think you’re an asshole

    It’s just an opinion.

    And, although I’m not a lawyer I’m pretty sure that “it was just my opinion” is not a defense against defamation. In fact, opinion pretty much defines defamation because it can’t be defamation if it is factually true.

    “Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation;”

    I’d suggest at this point that anyone who actually believes that the big tech companies are acting in good faith has not been paying the slightest bit of attention.

  2. Nothing will happen until the tech companies turn on the prominent Democrats. And just ain’t gonna’ happen.

    • Jetcall is right. Tech must see a profit in a turn away from shameless propaganda being the rule of the day. I don’t see that trending.

      • Fraid to differ on that, LL. Just look at Disney and all their divisions that ‘got woke, going broke.’ They’d rather push agenda than make money for the mouse.

        And then there’s HBO MAX’s “Santa Inc.” where Seth Rogan and Sarah Silverman totally thrash in a very bad and not funny way the whole Santa thing. Lowest ratings of any show ever, lowest viewership, yet still gets a second season.

        Tech companies got rich so they could frame the message. Now that they are rich they are framing messages quicker than a group of illegals putting up houses.

        • Keep in mind that plans can change.

          The live-action Cowboy Bebop series got axed three episodes in. There’s plenty of time for Santa Inc. to eat that cancellation as well.

      • It’s a *”belief system”. Facts (and profits) are not necessary to continue thinking like that. Expecting them to change the way they think is a fools errand. How often have you seen someone change their religion?

        *(another term for religion)

  3. If they’re gonna act like publishers, then that’s how they should be treated.

  4. All- Good points, no good answers here, other than to get off the likes of FB and go to MeWe, Gab, and other platforms that don’t play those ‘reindeer’ games…

  5. FB is ridic at best.

    And so are their idiotic smug checkers.

    In happier news, it’s a dying platform 🙂