I r confuzed…

One definition of the word “conundrum” is “something that is puzzling or confusing.” Here are six conundrums of socialism in the United States of America:

1. America is capitalist and greedy, yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized, yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims, yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government, yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer, yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about, yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.

Funny how that works. And here’s another one worth considering…

2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money! What’s interesting is the first group “worked for” their money, but the second didn’t.

Think about it, and last but not least:

3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.

Am I the only one missing something?


I r confuzed… — 24 Comments

  1. And they want people to have fewer children, but for that sort of system to even have a wisp of a hope of working, you need a growing population.

  2. Of course military and veteran benefits are decreasing. They don’t vote Left. As for end strength, didn’t Obama brag about creating a larger “civil” force?

  3. Democrat’s list of potential nominees for the 2024 presidential election is almost non-existent, who believes that the barely awake Joe Biden will run for office or the corrupt reprobate, a 77-year-old Hillary Clinton, would be a viable candidate to consider when looking for a 2024 Democratic nominee for the President of the United States?
    I know that has been givng interviews and making speeches she was also talking about being in the White House because she knos more about being president than Biden does… that just goes to show that she’s just as insane as we thought.
    After her devastating loss to Donald Trump, Hillary may have been recovering in a Rest Home somewhere in the Woods where she can sneak out at night and nurse from her Bottle of Vodka, or she may be recovering somewhere in the Big Apple’s Fashion, and Entertainment crowd, who always supported her and now have embraced her back into the main-stream media.
    It’s a given that New York crowd will go ga ga for the old horse. But what about Texas, and the rest of middle America, where the SANE people reside?
    She’s like an old carpet that an old dog who could no longer hold his water, and has used as a bed for the past 6 years but is so old that it can’t even smell itself. She’s annoying, corrupt,,LYING, and dangerously evil women . She belongs in a managed care facility, somewhere in Tijuana or China, or even in some far away place that dosent have any communication. . I’d even go with Women’s Prison,, so long as she goes away and never comes back…

    Personally, I think that Hillary should be some place where she can’t be giving any interviews, like behind BARS!.

    • CNN already has their list of 11 potential replacements for Brandon in 2024. None inspire confidence.

    • Mucho kudos for the old carpet/incontinent-sensory deprived old dog comparison. Accident here recently — a cough is devastating and a laugh even worse, but I yelped at that one!!

  4. Welfare CAN’T run out of money. That is one of the more evil Cloward-Pliven actions of the left and the courts, making public benefits an entitlement instead of a budget item.
    That is, if you’re alive and fit the expensively defined class, the government has to pay, whether we have the money or not.

  5. All of what you wrote is true and the end result of these idiotic policies will be the end of our Republic. That is the intent of many in Congress and the White House along with many of the government agencies that the fifth column of the Communist UN have infiltrated. If the voting public cannot see this then they have become dumber than a box of rocks. It is time to wake up America and stop listening to the propagandists on the evening news. Research before you vote. Contact those running for office and question them on their understanding of the Constitution and its meaning. Read and research. God gave you freedom and a brain, use the brain to protect the freedom

    • Not disagreeing, but “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

  6. All- FBI by any other name… 🙂

    PC/Jim- Good point.

    John- Interesting, isn’t it???

    John- That would assume people actually DO the reading and research… sigh

  7. Not just the FBI, but BATFE has been expanded and weaponized. Homeland Security expanded and weaponized. Postal police expanded and weaponized. Capital police (responsible for protection of congresscritters) has been expanded and weaponized. Secret Service the same. Library of Congress police, same. EPA, same. What bureaucratic agency doesn’t have it’s own police with fully auto weapons and tactical equipment that would make the average gun nut salivate?

    Sure, there’s 50-60 different ‘outfits’ but their uniforms look alike, weapons look alike, tactics look alike.

    All ready to control the peons.

    Which is what this is all about. A handful (in comparison to the number of people in the USA) to control and lord it over a vast group of underlings.

    Nothing of this surprises me. What surprises me is how open they are about it now.

    Like, (Insert Ruling by our dear leaders) pertains to the little people (us peons) but has huge carveouts and exclusions that make (ruling) not pertain to our dear leaders and those who slather them with money and power.

    • When even NOAA has armed personnel, you know that nothing good will come of all of this.

  8. “Am I the only one missing something?” No, you’re seeing it clearly. I think…

    For insight into one small aspect of this mess, I highly recommend The Life and Times of Muhammad by Sir John Glubb.

  9. Kyle Rittenhouse certainly put himself in harm’s way in showing up at the Black Lives Matter /Antifa protest. Looking into his background, I see a youth who has repeatedly demonstrated a strong sense of civic minded duty . To my mind and many others, he naively hoped to keep the peace in a world gone out of control.
    When our mayors, Governors and Washington politicians began openly supporting the violence generated at the many BLM/Antifa protest/riots as a device to oust Trump, they sanctioned and infact initiated, the violence both with their control of the press/media, local Police and by manipulating judicial systems to the advantage of those committing crimes during the events.

    Every day working class people I’m sure wanted to do something, anything to right the ship and restore sanity. Kyle Rittenhouse acted on this emotion I have no doubt. It is a rare thing when anyone steps up against all of the corrupt forces which I have outlined and made the decision to make a difference rather than cower at home watching the riots on our computers. It is even more rare when in the end, the powers that be, give a person like Kyle Rittenhouse, actual justice rather than make him fodder for corrupt political gain. He has demonstrated high moral character while his detractors have shown their debased, morally bankrupt true selves.

    The media, and sleepy Joe Biden,? wants to label him as a white supremacist? yet of the four people caught on video attacking him the only one who wasn’t shot was a Black man, seen here??? kicking Kyle in the face while he lays on the ground. It certainly seems from the picture that Rittenhouse had the opportunity, and probably the justification to pull the trigger, but he didn’t. and yet they call him a White supremacist
    So I guess that any white person that cares about their community and his country and is willing to protect it is, is a “White Supremacist” now, by Sleepy Joe’s standards…
    I’m just sayin!

  10. Such a clownshow.

    I wrote some oped on Islam claiming, after the fashion of its founder, that it was a war religion. Follow the science, right?

    Anyway, the thing made it to some prof at Annapolis, who was furious, “What about the Sufis!!!”

    Quite, what about the Sufis, you dam idiot.