Not sure if it’s true, but interesting… Considering India and China are responsible for almost 3 BILLION of the world’s population…

The population of Earth at this minute is constantly changing, but it’s around 7.9 billion at this very second. For most people, this is an unfathomable figure. 

However, if we condense that 7.9 billion into 100 persons, and then condense it further into various percentage statistics, the resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend:

Out of 100 people:

11 are in Europe

5 are in North America 

9 are in South America

15 are in Africa

60 are in Asia

49 live in the countryside

51 live in cities

75 have mobile phones

25 do not

30 have internet access

70 do not have the availability to go online

7 received university education

93 did not attend college

83 can read

17 are illiterate

33 are Christians

22 are Muslims

14 are Hindu

7 are Buddhists

12 are other religions

12 have no religious beliefs

26 live less than 14 years

66 died between 15 – 64 years of age

8 are over 65 years old

Think about this – If you live in your own home, are able to eat full meals & drink clean water, have a mobile phone, can surf the internet and went to college, you are in a miniscule percentage of the population and are a highly privileged person this day. 

(This equates to being in the less than 7% category)

Amongst 100 persons in the world – only 8 will live or exceed the age of 65.

If you did not leave this world before the age of 64, like the 92 persons who did pass before you, you are truly blessed amongst mankind. Take good care of your own health. Cherish every remaining moment. 


YMMV… — 11 Comments

  1. I win! Where do I collect my prize?
    Oh. I already did.

  2. I consider myself to be very fortunate because the Lord has blessed me to still be alive at the age of 74 headed toward 75. We here in the USA are ALL blessed by God in some way or another. Without Him we would not be here. We ALL owe what we have to Him and should be thankful every time we awaken in the morning.

  3. Sadly the criminals in power want to toss those numbers out the window and eradicate 90% of us… especially the brightest most productive segment…white people.

  4. And of that 100 how many have fundamentally racist cultures? 85? 90?

    I’m including the caste system in India, Chinese attitudes towards non-Han, African tribal rivalries, etc.

    Claiming only US White people can be racist should get the speaker laughed off the stage.

  5. Yeah. Well. I do not consider being 71 a positive matter.
    I should have allowed myself to drown at 32.

  6. There is the ‘meme’…to the effect:

    “I didn’t win the lottery. But I woke up in the USA, so I already won anyway.”

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    We have been all over the world and I consider myself lucky and blessed to be in the United States. All the people that complain about the USA should spend time in the 3rd world and realize how good we have it. Sure we have problems, but compared to other places, they are mild and usually politician driven.