LibertyCon 2023!!!

I’m joining a lot of other folks in Chattanooga, TN for LibertyCon this weekend. If you’re there, here’s my schedule-

Feel free to catch up with me or sit in on the panels.

Regular blogging will recommence next Tuesday, so go read the folks on the sidebar!!!


LibertyCon 2023!!! — 5 Comments

  1. Have fun, Sorry to miss you, the rest of the NTT, and the other people, but we had to roll over to next year.
    John in Indy

  2. Have fun! We had to roll over to next year like John in Indy. My wife gave birth less than a week ago. Y’all are fun, but we are busy with our beautiful newborn daughter.

  3. “Guns of the future.” Hmm, I’m all tingly about that one.

    That is going to be a great con.