The Short Stories…

Got the proof copies back yesterday and hit publish, so it ‘might’ be up sometime today as a paperback…

Sorry it’s priced at $14.50, but if I don’t put it that high, I actually lose money in some cases. That is because it is Print On Demand (POD), which costs more.

In other news, we ARE doing another benefit anthology for our local library, this one will be Cattlemen and Cowboys, and stories are due 30 Sept 2024. Sigh… I will be the POC and probably end up as the editor too… again…

It is for a good cause, supporting the kids summer programs!

Between the Haunted Libraries and Oil Patch Anthologies, we’ve made them almost $3000!!!

And honest reviews are needed! Your reviews ARE our advertising!!!

Thank you in advance!


The Short Stories… — 4 Comments