DEI or DIE???

Apparently, Virginia is paralleling Texas in dumping DEI in universities!

Two public universities in Virginia have scrapped their planned diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements after a review by Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R-VA) administration.

Virginia Commonwealth University and George Mason University canceled their plans to implement DEI-oriented classes as a requirement for undergraduate studies after Youngkin raised concerns about “core curriculum mandates that are a thinly veiled attempt to incorporate the progressive Left’s groupthink.”

However, while the VCU Board of Visitors voted 10-5 publicly in a meeting on Friday to reject a “racial literacy” requirement just before the fall 2024 academic semester, which included the requirement, was set to begin, GMU decided to delay implementation for one year.

Full article, HERE from Washington Examiner.

Gov Youngkin, much like Gov Abbott, is NOT a fan of DEI, and was voted in by the pissed off parents in VA after the debacles in Loudoun, Fairfax, and some other school systems in VA over school board vs. parents over education of their children.

And they aren’t the only ones- “Lawmakers in more than a dozen red states have either passed or proposed sweeping* higher education reform packages curtailing DEI initiatives. Florida banned state funding for DEI programs. Texas banned DEI offices outright. Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed an executive order in December that prohibited funding DEI initiatives not just at universities but within all state agencies.”

When you try to shove people into ‘identity’ boxes based on race, sex, or anything else never ends well for anyone. As anybody who has been in the military will tell you, veterans don’t care what ethnicity etc. someone is, their relationships are based on trust and people doing their jobs. Why? Because lives depend on folks doing those jobs and doing them well!

I think after the last couple of years, more and more people are beginning to think that way, not just in red states, but around the entire country!

Your thoughts???


DEI or DIE??? — 10 Comments

  1. This is good to read, but the “people” that are pushing this will not give up easily, they will find a way to continue the garbage or move to locations that will allow it.

  2. What do I think ? I think the appearance, sexual orientation or the direction of Right / Left leaning politics of the job occupant has no bearing on how well they will do a job. I think the experience and past job history is a better indicator of how well the job will be done. Hire those people – the ones who have a proven record of success.

    But what do I know ?

    • It does have something to do with how well they will do the job. The goal of this is to very much put people in jobs that they are ill-equipped to do and will fail at. The purpose of all of this is to destroy society and destroy people’s lives.
      This is, quite literally, the devil taking over our society.
      This is evil people, doing evil things.
      Haven’t you noticed that the DEI folks (the ones getting in via DEI) always make things worse? It may only be by a little bit, but every chip at the foundation is another chip.

      I just saw someone get hired into a job, because of DEI that they are not qualified to do. A very important job. A job where people and property will be lost because this person just is not at all qualified to do it. All of the standards for the job had been waved, and that waving of standards had started decades ago because there weren’t enough women doing this very dangerous and often deadly job. (My uncle died doing this job).
      And now someone who isn’t strong enough, big enough, or even fit enough, will be doing it. Because ‘equality’.

  3. It’s about thirty years too late, but it at least there’s finally some pushback going on.

  4. Younkin is a temporary reprieve in VA. His election was a direct result of democrats and Democrat candidates over-reaching and saying really, really stupid things during the campaign.

    They pretty much pissed off every parent in the state, which pushed Younkin over the top…barely.

    All the Democrats have to do to win next time is not be idiots…and Democrats are more prone to learning from their mistakes than Republicans…which is why the Republican party’s nickname is “the stupid party”.

    But I digress.

    I’m pretty confident that after the next election, democrats will own the VA government from top to bottom and the Californication of Virginia will begin in earnest.

    That’s why, although I still live and work in Virginia, my wife and I have already purchased property in TN and are working on getting it ready for habitation.

    • To SailorCurt: Good plan to relocate to Tennessee. When you get there, try to become a useful part of the community. Smaller towns can be clannish and trusting only of their own families, but usually they will provide advice to good people.

      A lot of the advice I have taken has been on the lines of “don’t be stupid, don’t go where there are lots of stupid people doing stupid things, and when someone declares that they are your enemy, believe them.

    • idk, if winsome sears runs we may bring this state back from the brink. but again it’ll just be a reprieve unless we(the rest of the state) can figure out how to counter northern va. nova is almost all non-native to virginia and yet are the majority in just three counties. i’ve offered them to both dc and maryland many times but they don’t want them either.

  5. The faults of DEI in education have become glaring. That several high-profile DEI executives and college presidents cheated on their dissertations/theses/report in lieu of a thesis has not helped the cause. Corporations are seeing how badly all the DEI compliance stuff hurts their budget, in addition to other things. I truly hope it is on the way out, and merit comes back in.