Larry Lambert has a short story collection out! The Shorts
As always, click the cover for the Amazon link!
The blurb-
The collection of short stories comprises two sections. The first includes thirty-six ‘shorts’ with topics marked as fiction, nonfiction, or based on a true story. The topics vary between stories of espionage, science fiction, historical fiction, and true crime. The second section consists of seven non-fiction case studies of police informers under the general theme of how to make money by being a government informant.
Raconteur Press is out with their newest anthology- Hooves, Tracks, and Sabres!
The blurb-
Alternate history allows us to explore, in thrilling detail, what might have been. Come with these authors down the untrodden divergences from reality, while still staying close to the possible. Can history be fun? Yes! Be entertained by these stories and find yourself wondering along with the authors. What if…? Cavalry had evolved from hooves, sabers, and tracks in other ways than we know happened.
And last but not least, Holly Chism has a nice little short up in her Modern Gods series Same Liver, Different Vulture
The blurb-
When you know you can regenerate any organ, fast…why not donate your kidneys?
Prometheus has been a teacher all of his life, nearly. Sometimes, like with teaching Man to harness fire, it got him in trouble. Sometimes, he’s able to make an even bigger difference for his students. Especially when they need a kidney as much as they need knowledge.
It’s a steal at 99 cents!!!
All three are highly recommended!
Well, OBVIOUSLY, I must support Cousin Larry.
Consider it a mitzvah 😉
Moses- Yay! 🙂
TxRed- LOL
Thanks for the plug, Old NFO.