
Can you say unhinged???

I knew you could!

In their dissents from the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, the court’s liberal justices suggested that the majority opinion allows for a slew of alarming scenarios — including a president ordering a Navy SEAL team to “assassinate” his political rival or even poisoning one of his own cabinet members.

The high court on Monday ruled 6-3 that a president has substantial immunity for official acts that occurred during his time in office. It’s a decision that has significant implications for former President Trump, whose prosecution on charges related to the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol breach and alleged 2020 election interference spurred the Supreme Court to hear the case. 

Full article, HERE from Fox News.

The gloves have certainly come off for the left! This decision combined with the pathetic showing on Thursday night seem to have sent the left into panic mode and ‘imagining’ what they would like to do, but are blaming everything on Trump…

Your thoughts???


Wow… — 20 Comments

  1. Projection … yadda-dada, da-dadda. PROJECTION!

    Never rip off your own mask without using mineral spirits first – oh, that’s the real you exposed, leftist.

  2. “including a president ordering a Navy SEAL team to “assassinate” his political rival or even poisoning one of his own cabinet members.”

    Sounds sort of like what happened to the Kennedies. Johnson didn’t assume the Presidency by accident.

  3. As Psychokitteh says, it’s projection. It’s what the Progressives would do, if they thought they could get away with it.

  4. Occasional-Cortex wants to impeach the 6 Justices that issued the majority opinion of the court. That of course is political theater and it will go nowhere.

    Democrat House Representative Joe Morelle says on a post on X: “I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy.”

    This also is political theater, and will go nowhere. Introducing a Constitutional Amendment is easy. Getting it ratified is a whole other kettle of fish.

    But yes, unhinged.

  5. Hey Old NFO;

    The left is going banana’s but they forget, Obungler did that drone strike on these American citizens with no due process, plus other things, and don’t even get me started on the queen of corruption herself (Hillary), all the shady crap she has pulled since she has slithered out of that 4th ward in Arkansas. Granted Hillary wasn’t president, but the current vegetable in chief did a lot of shady crap in office, he will benefit. I do know that Jack Smith will be reclassifying all those charges as “Private Citizens” to have another go at President Trump. THey need to pull his illegal standing as a prosecutor.

  6. I guess you read into things want you want to see.

    Robert’s opinion for the majority also stated it did not protect the POTUS from non federal dealings and decisions. Trying to coerce state officials in an election may not be immune from prosecution.

    There is always dramatic sound bites after these rulings and the media will alway pick the most outrageous.

  7. My hope is enough of the members of the Supreme Court have had enough of the Constitution being ignored.

    IMO, the decision on Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo is a huge win for the people v the bureaucratic state. Long term it will give a way of curbing the fourth branch.

    Trump’s mistake when he assumed office was trying to work with the people he inherited. Perhaps he assumed they were loyal Americans. People like Slimy Milley. If elected, he likely won’t make the same mistake. No wonder the (P)regressives are in a panic.

  8. I’ve always thought Presidents had or should have at least some immunity; and until recently Washington had operated that way. I love how the hysterical left are hyperbolizing and projecting. I think it makes them look silly.

  9. Sotomayor has also been mentioning this, and the gateway pundit website has some articles that will raise most people’s blood pressure. Check six, everyone, there is no way to predict the events of next week, let alone the rest of the year.

  10. The three dissenting judges are EEO rejects moved up the ladder to incompetence by the typical methods. In the public sector, it’s so hard to terminate the employment of an employee, the easier path is to give them a glowing referral, and have them promoted. When the incompetent group we call Congress needs to make a decision, they take the glowing reports, and place them in positions of authority. The decisions by the three should have only one reaction and that’s impeachment, if not criminal charges such as sedition and treason.

  11. The collective Left will fear the events that they, collectively and individually, would perpetrate against a political enemy.

    The gloves aren’t just off. The gloves have been replaced with a set of bass knuckles.

    The good news is that the USSC is finally making decisions based on the Constitution.

    About the only things that worry me is the fallout (peacefulish demonstrations, protest marches, and riots) from the election coupled with the fear that someone acting alone will attempt or successfully assassinate President Trump.

  12. Well, that’s a LOT of Projection from Abnormally Occassional Cortex. Sounds like she’s got a great idea for Fifty Shades of Total Dark & Slimey.

  13. I have no clue how Sotomayor graduated with a law degree. Her understanding English, of the constitution and the ruling of the majority approaches then dives below zero. More is the shame she was appointed to a lifetime position. I pray we do get a conservative in the oval office and majorities in both houses. Jackson, Sotomayor and Kagan need to retire and be replaced by constitutional scholars, not socialist loons.

    • It is actually very simple and straightforward.

      The universities and certain academic fields have been deliberately producing a lot of garbage for decades.

      Her JD, and the JDs of certain other parties, are a direct consequence of ABA accreditation of law schools, and of the promotion of critical theory.

      Some people at university see through critical theory, and are not driven insane by it. There are folks who embrace it, are insane, and not in the same reality as the rest of America.

      This is basically down to Republican politicians being derelict in using state authority to ensure that public universities are serving the public good. A few crazy private schools would not have the influence to do as much harm if they had not been supplemented by the misconduct at law schools at state universities.

      Furthermore, state bars should be open to people without JDs.

  14. The Left does not give up power with out a fight.
    They will cheat like Hell with fake ballots.
    Should he win the election I fear President Trump won’t live to see Inauguration Day.

  15. Actually, there is an argument that Trump can lawfully and constitutionally order assassinations of political opponents.

    Jefferson Davis was in some ways a political opponent of Abraham Lincoln.

    It is of course possible to conclude that this was appropriate as part of Lincoln’s executive power at the time, and would not be appropriate as part of Trump’s executive power now.

    It is also possible to conclude that this was not proper on Lincoln’s part, but does not over turn other elements of his administrative actions, which may be proper.

    There are four basic problems with the accusations that the Democrats have made.

    One is that he arguably only asked Congress to do what was proper under its constitutional duties in vote evaluation.

    Two is that if we do not conclude that Lincoln’s waging of the ACW was wholly outside his executive power, the limited powers of the legislature and the judiciary may not allow the legislature and judicary to determine the facts of any insurrection which the executive is explicitly empowered to use the executive power and the militia to suppress.

    Three is that the only sources of claim which imply that Trump might have ordered the militia to suppress a insurrection or conspiracy are solely Democrats who are Trump’s enemies.

    The combined effect is that a return to the Oval Office by Trump is the only remedy which might clarify these irregularities and uncertainties.

    Fourth, the formal legal system and the irregular political actions by Democrats have gotten them, and everyone else into a situation where the happy path out requires persuading people to calm down, and act carefully and deliberately.

    That people are continuing to be idiots, and invoking fear of force, is not very persausive.

    There is a fairly reasonable conclusion that Democrats are a criminal conspiracy, that intends to murder Trump.

    A dead Trump would be wholly incapable of saying that the Democrats were not an insurrection during January of 2021, and would also be incapable of saying that he did not authorize the unorganized militia to suppress that insurrection at that time when he had the lawful authority to do so.

    So far the Democrats can stage manage things to a point, but in many examples they have failed to succeed in the last critical steps that they would need for certain escalations.

    The answers involve careful watching and waiting.

    We may stay calm enough that if something happens, everyone understands that we are in the right, and did only what was needed.

    We may somehow muddle through a bunch of very boring and slow stuff to somehow resolving these disputes.

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