Shots heard round the world…

Well, they tried and missed… Ironically, we were talking about this earlier in the week, wondering if the gloves would truly come off and ‘somebody’ would make a try for him.

Kudos to the USSS detachment attached to President Trump, they got him out of there as soon as they could, and took out the shooter.

Things just got real in more ways than one. If Trump hadn’t turned his head, this post would have a different outcome.

There are a number (a large number) of questions about the level of security provided, who the shooter was, how he got where he was, ad infinitum…

Of course every news agency in the world is covering this, and ironically, the media is telling us that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions about the shooter’s motives. I’m going to wait my normal 72 hours before I say anything else.

Sadly, at least one person in the crowd behind him is apparently dead, and others injured. Prayers for them and their families!


Shots heard round the world… — 27 Comments

  1. No speculation from me over things we don’t know, and may never know. Fortunately I don’t work for CNN or Fox News. That said, I do wonder why a rooftop 400 ft (130+ yards) away was accessible to the shooter. Don’t need to be a super-duper ninja sniper to make that shot. Dare I suggest divine intervention?

    • The fix was in, that’s why. Multiple people came forward and reported the shooter to the SS and the Police who did NOTHING.
      The SS sniper waited UNTIL the shooter took all of his shots before killing him. THAT right there says a lot, he should have been returning fire immediately, to try and suppress the shooter instead of ‘waiting for the perfect shot’.
      Remember that Biden has been REFUSING to give Trump additional SS protection – which he’s been requesting – and in fact MANY democrats have been trying to get Trump’s SS detail PULLED.

      No, too many questions, and with the FBI now ‘investigating’ the incident, you can be sure it will be smothered, with a blanket.

  2. I’m disgusted by the amount of comments I’ve read on British sites lamenting the shooters miss. More power to Trump, no matter how extreme his response to the Left may be.

    • Well, remember that the Brits overwhelmingly voted in a socialist government this last week.

      They really have gone loony over there.

      • Not quite. Some of us gave up on the Conservative wing of the LibLabCon uniparty and voted for someone else, with the result that the Labour wing won by default. Actually Labour had not many more actual votes than last time when they lost heavily.

  3. The only thing we know is that we know almost nothing.

    I suspect this event will dwarf the Kennedy murder in spawning theories.

  4. I’m surprised that I’ve seen so little coverage of the other individuals who were shot. Apparently, someone was killed. Odd that we don’t know this person’s name.

    • He’s a 20 year old kid who registered as a Republican. Lived an hour away.

      • He was a democrat. He gave money to democrat causes and registered republican to vote in the primaries for the worst person possible to run. That is a very standard democrat practice in Penn, which has closed primaries. It’s how they keep strong Republican contenders out of office, by ‘primarying’ them.

  5. There’s video of the SS overwatch team. Let’s just say it’s not the most professional response I’ve ever seen.

    And that’s not taking into account the claims that multiple people in the crowd saw the shooter, and tried to warn the SS minutes before the assassination attempt, but were ignored.

  6. Someone dug up was is supposedly his voter registration. Expect it to be shouted from every leftist rooftop “He was a registered Republican!” but since Biden was unopposed in the Democrat primary, it freed up people like him to register Republican so they could play games with the Republican primary (voting for anyone but Trump, for example.) I know this is a favorite sport in the PNW. Probably holds true there.

    • Dean Phillips ran in that Democratic primary but Joe won by a big margin so your theme might ring true.

    • I’ve seen screenshots of the shooter’s donations to ActBlue. Apparently he did others to the DNC. So RINO operating in the left’s version of Operation Chaos. The Pennsylvania version was to push Nikki Haley over Trump.

  7. Who to blame – who to blame. Who will be held ultimately responsible.
    Some Democrats might want – ‘stop at any cost’ measures to be taken. Republicans who feel the same way (Never Trumpers) who think removing Trump before naming a Vice-President would have had a RNC convention inserting a candidate with no need for primary 270 wins. I don’t know how that would have worked.

    I’m guessing this will galvanize the Republicans. The gloves are off and everybody should be keeping their head on a swivel.

    I would have guessed an aerial drone above the area would have detected someone crawling over that rooftop prior to the shot(s). The response from was quick and decisive.

  8. I live about an hours drive from Butler County where this assassination attempt took place. The local news has said the shooter was a 20 year old named Crooke from Bethel Park, Pa. That is a suburb of Pittsburgh. That is in Allegheny County, Democrat country here in Western PA. I hope there was not a conspiracy in this act but I have my suspicions. Why were ther not USSS or State Police on top of the buildings where the shooter went to do his deed? It was about 130 yards from the podium. Not a far shot with a scoped rifle. The security ring should have included any place where a shooter could use, especially the rooftops within 500 yards.

  9. With respect to a security detail, the success of failure of an assassination attempt should not come down to how the mark turned his head.

    This has fail all over it and I don’t mean the shooter.

  10. I saw video of the Secret Service Snipers waiting until after several shots were made then they shot. This was way after the local people told the police that there was a person on top of the building with a rifle.

    With the Deep State and the debate failure of Biden I have no trust in the Secret Service Detail supporting Trump. I believe that with Biden crashing the ability for the Dems to cheat to win will not work so they will go to their other method – violence. I was not surprised by this attempt on Trump.

    The Dems and MSM always use hate toward Trump. They will continue this. I doubt there will be any change to the Secret Security Detail as Trump has wanted more personnel on it, but Biden’s Admin will not give opponents anything they do not have to.

  11. Withing hours some talking head at CBS said it was Trump’s fault because of his inflammatory rhetoric. As BZ labeled them years ago, American Mainstream Maggots.

  12. The first CNN report after the attempted assassination stated that “The Secret Service rushed Trump off the stage after he fell in response to some loud noises.”

    Also, the Secret Service did not acknowledge on shouts from the crowd warning of a man with a rifle on the roof, and that they didn’t fire until after the assassin did.

    I used to be less suspicious, but even I can be taught.

  13. “Secure the high ground.” Lesson from playing board games in the ’60s.
    “Respond immediately!” Lesson from FLETC.
    “Don’t trust Democrats. Democrats assholes.” Hong-Kong resident. (OK, loose translation.)

    I do hope Trump hires some serious security. If Musk truly “totally endorses” Trump, Musk can pay for the best.

  14. If you’ll excuse of friendly foreigner commenting on domestic American events.

    1. America has lost four sitting Presidents to assasination, and at least a dozen others have been subject to attempted assassination, or plots against them have been detected. None of these have led to civil wars, insurrections or societal breakdown. Your country is stronger than that.

    Those arguing that this is “unique” , need to read some history.

    2. I’m not a fan of conspiracy theories. They require far too many people being able to keep secrets under pressure, and there will be pressure.

    3. Anyone arguing for a conspiracy, has to explain why the shooter was incompetent. That was not a difficult shot.

    4.Anyone pointing to a “delayed response” from the counter-sniper team as evidence of a “fix”… needs to consider what the video reveals.
    – The CS team is scanning their area of responsibility – which is further out. Tactical discipline and training requires that each team scans its assigned area, leaving other areas to other teams. The elevation of the CS rifles in the video clearly shows that they were not looking at Crooks.
    – In the video, the operator is seen to come “off the glass”, visually identify his target, and depress his rifle to align with the identified threat, before firing. The clear implication is tgat he did not know the location of the shooter prior to the first shot.
    – As the gunnies amongst us know, the optics required to make shots out to 1000 yards are very high magnification and have a small field of view. Scanning at distance through such optics can effectively blind the operator to targets outside that FOV, especially those that are closer.
    – The operators have a duty to correctly identify any possible threats. They cannot simply nuke the first person that they see on a rooftop, without taking the fraction of a second to be certain that this person IS the shooter.
    – As the gunnies amongst us also know, this process almost always takes longer than it seems to spectators and armchair quarterbacks.
    – Some of you will have used an AR far more than I. You tell me how long it takes for a competent shooter to crank off that number of shots.

    That being said, I respect the fact that this is a shock. Jim’s determination to suspend judgement for a while is commendable. America will survive. She always has.

  15. Trump is only alive because he turned his head at the last moment. A fate decided by an inch. There are so many questions about this that will never be answered…at least not honestly. But allowing the corrupt FBI to head the coverup…err investigation is sheer insanity

  16. Conspiracy theorists have predicted an assassination attempt on Trump for months now. Even if they’re wrong in their thinking some of their predictions have an uncanny way of becoming reality. People might pay more attention to what they have to say.