A day late…

And a few million short…

California has nearly one-third of the entire homeless population in America. About 180,000 people live on the streets or in some of the state’s 1,300 homeless shelters. It’s not just a scandal. It’s a tragedy. And the major cause of homelessness is the cost of housing in the state.


California’s homelessness problem is homegrown. The Supreme Court just did the state a huge favor by ruling in the case of Grants Pass v. Johnson that local governments could use “anti-camping” ordinances to clean up the unsightly, unhealthy, and dangerous homeless encampments around the state. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) wasted little time in issuing an executive order to clean up the encampments.

Full article, HERE from Pajama Media.

Two quick questions…

Where are they going to put them/ship them?

Who is going to pay for that?

The homeless ‘circuit’ on the west coast runs from San Diego to Seattle, following the weather patterns. They ‘winter’ in LA/San Diego and ‘summer’ in Seattle and Portland.

Most of them do not want to be off the streets, they are comfortable there.

This is going to be interesting to watch, and I’m thinking I’ll need more popcorn for this.


A day late… — 13 Comments

  1. > Who is going to pay for that?

    I propose a new slogan for California:
    “The Stay and Pay State”

  2. I have found that the homeless problem is not the cost of housing but the fat that most of them have mental issues and make choices that results in them being homeless. Often they prefer homelessness to living in shelters or other places where they have to follow rules.

    • +1
      I volunteered at the Salvation Army after retiring.

      20% of clients were junkies
      70% had some serious mental or emotional issues
      10% had just hit some bad times or made bad decisions, We had a number of cooks and servers during Covid who lost their jobs.

      The street people as a whole perfer it on the street. Some don’t but many just can’t deal with rules and other folks.

    • That, all that, and only that.

      1) They aren’t “homeless”. They’re batsh*t crazy, alcoholic, drug-addicted, or all three.

      2) The myth is that they’re from here. 90% are from somewhere – in fact everywhere else. I see their social security numbers when they come to the E.R. Those are assigned in early youth since two generations ago, and they don’t lie about where you’re from.

      3) Other states ship their douchebags here by the metric f**kton. NYFS got caught handing them a plane ticket and something like $10K in vouchers just to GTFO.
      Other states give them a voucher for drug/alcohol rehab and a one-way plane ticket to rehab mills in Califrutopia.
      The rehab mills take the check, the losers fail out of rehab in about 2 days, on average, and now they’re here, penniless, and begin grifting, or sucking on the state’s welfare teat, then they go forth and get drunk/score dope, and Bob’s your uncle and we have more “homeless” here than the population of multiple states, none of them homegrown.

      4) Shelters go begging for occupants, while the homeless blossom, because the rules at shelters include No Dope, and No Booze.
      To which the mentally insane addicts and wastes of skin and oxygen instantly reply “Screw that noise!”
      If they could color inside the lines 24/7/365, they wouldn’t have become “homeless” in the first place.
      People who simply fell on hard times are off the streets and back on their feet in a couple of months, max.
      I’ve seen that firsthand for 25 years.

      5) Anyone – I repeat, anyone – selling the codswallop that they’re “from here” for any longer than five minutes ago, and that they’re on the streets because of housing prices is flat-out lying through their teeth. You figure out why. PERIOD. FULL STOP.

      6) Just like illegal aliens, this is a problem foisted on Califrutopia by 49 other states’ indifference and deliberate machination, and the do-gooder idiocy of one party rule here which welcomes the disaster because it gives them an excuse to solve it with MOAR TAXES and MOAR GOVERNMENT. And fails until it consumes all revenue, and then some.


  3. Hey Old NFO,

    And to add to what “B” had said, the social benefits that they get and the people what the lefties consider “below the poverty line” are far more than anywhere else in the country so the homeless and really poor migrate there because to them it is the land of “milk and Honey”.

  4. Bob is correct, the highest bennies in the land, along with the climate for easy outdoor living is what attracts takers.

  5. Ship the overflow to NYC and Chicago? Do they got enough busses or will they send them 1st class air?

  6. Yep, the ‘lack’ of rules is the major attraction. Dealt with one veteran who just could NOT deal with any kind of ‘rules’. He was dead within a year… dammit…

  7. With the $950 threshold in CA a homeless person doesn’t need EBT at all. Just walk into the grocery store and steal the food you want or in to Target to steal new clothes.

  8. California is the best place to be homeless. Winters, and Summers, aren’t harsh enough to kill, and the homeless can prey on the kindness of people. I think many would leave if they had to get up every morning to go to work and earn their keep. That, to me, would be the worst thing to do. Just kick them out, let them find their own life, and leave the Socialism to other ignorant countries.

  9. Destination: Martha’s Vineyard. They could set up on the grounds of the Obama Mansion. Now THAT is woke.