I was asked in an email to back check on whether or not the Vietnam Memorial was actually open on Memorial Day, because there were ‘rumors’ that it had been closed for Obummer’s photo op…THIS is what I found out… Thanks … Continue reading
Category Archives: Memorial Day
Arlington Cemetery… The Old Guard puts a flag on EVERY headstone in Arlington every Memorial Day. This one is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia… It’s small, in an out of the way location on the base, but they remember too… … Continue reading
This weekend marks the 41st observance of Memorial Day since it became an official federal holiday in 1971. This patriotic tribute to fallen servicemen and women stems from the Civil War era, when communities gathered in the spring to decorate … Continue reading
Thank you to those who have gone before us and given their all for us… Hand Salute!Ready, Two.Nuff said… … Continue reading
/Toast/- Absent Comrades! /Toast/ … Continue reading
Why did we do what we did, and why to the Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Army do what they are doing today? This is sworn to and recited by every member of the military. Easy to say but it takes … Continue reading
Am I a sick sumbitch for thinking it is hilarious watching “Petrified” Pelosi swingin’ in the wind??? I REALLY want them to hold those so called “truth” hearings, I REALLY want to see her and a few others up there … Continue reading
In a few weeks, this country will be taking some time out to remember our fellow brothers & sisters who paid the ultimate cost in a distant war (both time and mileage). This coming Memorial Day, please take a minute … Continue reading
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being … Continue reading