In Other News…

John Lott has a great article on the Maryland right to carry issue,  “What a Balancing Test will show for Right-to-Carry Laws”  up HERE. Well written, cogent, and pretty damn hard to refute!!!Take the time, it’s worth the read!And how … Continue reading


Gas prices may be coming down, but they STILL suck!!! Granted I let it go a bit long between fill ups, but still… And in other news… Two men were arrested late Wednesday night and charged with terrorism and firearms related … Continue reading

Gunwalker, DOJ and other tidbits…

I was going to put up a detailed post, but DannytheMan already has one up HERE, that has plenty of detail; and so does PawPaw HERE.  Another piece of the puzzle that came out today at among others CNN is … Continue reading

In Other News…

Well, it’s ‘official’ the Army investigation of Hasan has come out with their report and guess what??? The military investigation into the Ft. Hood terrorist attack has concluded what the rest of us already knew–that Major Nidal Malik Hasan was … Continue reading