A Novel Idea…

BUT A GOOD IDEA… And I have to say I agree with it…

The entire Congress of the United States is corrupt. Both Houses and both major parties..

We realize that a few Members of each House are trustworthy, but, as a group they are absolutely the most corrupt bunch to ever disgrace our Nation.

In November of 2010 the entire House of Representatives will stand for reelection; all 435 of them. One third of the Senate, a total of 33 of them, will also stand for reelection.

Vote every incumbent out…

Every one of them, no matter their Party affiliation…

Let’s start all over in the House of Representatives with 435 people who have absolutely no experience in running that body, with no political favors owed to anyone but their own constituents. Let’s make them understand that they work for us. They are answerable to us and they simply have to run that body with some common sense.

Two years later, in 2012, vote the next third of the incumbents in the Senate out…

We can do the same thing in 2014 and, by that time we will have put all new people in that body as well.

We, the People, have got to take this Country back and we HAVE to do it peacefully.

That’s what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned…

We are also suggesting term limits on the new bunch: 8 years for Representatives and 12 years for Senators no exceptions.

The longer they stay in office, the more power they get, and they love it and will do anything to get reelected.

We have term-limited the President, now term-limit the Legislators.


A Novel Idea… — 20 Comments

  1. Well said, sir. I agree with the philosophy, but I’d push it a few notches further … but we need that Constitutional Convention in order to do so. But for now voter-imposed term limits? Count me in!

  2. 8 years is plenty for all of them! The part that isn’t fair, is that the one with the most money usually wins because of the coverage they can pay for. I don’t have an idea how to fix it though.

  3. Snigs/Tex- Yep 🙂

    RWL- Good point!

    Top- Hmmm, that I’ve got to think about…

    Linda- good point, and no I don’t know how to fix that either… UNLESS, one mandates that only federal funds can be used and everyone gets XX dollars…

  4. Amen! RWL, I’m against a Constitutional Convention. If the whackjobs get control (and we have them on both sides) what comes out could very well be worse than what we currently have.

    I prefer the Amendment process and starting with removing some Amendments like the 16th and the 17th.

  5. How do we get the decent people to run? Who can take 3 months off their job to campaign? Once we throw the bums out we need to make sure we aren’t putting more bums in.

  6. The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress is :

    The American voter must IMPOSE term limits by NEVER REELECTING ANYONE IN CONGRESS, AND DO IT EVERY ELECTION! In other words, don’t let anyone serve more than one term. That’s the only way to teach them that the voter is boss! The “one term limit” can be eased AFTER citizens get control of Congress.

    Congress will never allow us to constitutionally term limit them by an amendment. Our only choice is to NEVER REELECT them. All of them!

    The number of ‘good guys’ left in Congress is negligible, so if we threw ALL 535 members out, we wouldn’t do as much damage as the good we would gain by by turning Congress into a bunch of honest, innocent freshmen.

    Some of the reasons in favor of this approach:

    • It gives us a one-term-limited Congress without using an amendment
    • It encourages ordinary citizens to run for Congress
    • It is supported by 70% of the country (see Rasmussen and Cato polls)
    • It is completely nonpartisan
    • If repeated, it ends career politicians in Congress
    • It opens the way to a “citizen Congress” of guys like you and me
    * It would open a torrent of fresh ideas to improve our government
    • It ends the seniority system that keeps freshmen powerless
    • It doesn’t cost money. But you MUST vote! Just don’t vote for an incumbent
    • It takes effect immediately on Election Day
    • It is the only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to “Throw the Bums Out”
    • When the ‘pros’ stop running, ordinary citizens will run and win
    • If it doesn’t work, do it again and again! It will work eventually, without a doubt.

    Go to [email protected] to send for your free NEVER REELECT bumper sticker

    Nelson Lee Walker of tenurecorrupts.com

  7. Hmmm. My mind is swirling with the possibility of this actually being a viable solution.

    As a “Third Party heretic”, according to many right-wing folks, I hold no allegiance to the two mainstream parties that have had a stranglehold on our Nation for years.

    Hmmm. You might really be onto something here, OldNFO.

    Long Live the Republic.

  8. Hey Donald
    With your mind full of possibilities, please don’t hesitate to unload some of them on me. I’m running dry, but I don’t want to stop so early in 2010.
    How can I get more outrageous and sensational so that I draw a crowd?

    I want more exposure!!! See my website
    tenurecorrupts.com and youtube videos under nels96

  9. Going to be that many write-in candidates? I like it but really the political parties know how to keep power, just like their representatives do – how did they get to be representatives of the political parties instead of their neighbors? Washington, DC is that far from my front door.

  10. WSF- Agreed!

    Peedee- We can hope!

    Crucis- Agree!

    Axe- I don’t know… I wish I did!

    Nelson- good points!

    TOTW- yeah, yeah 🙂

    Donald- I Hope so!

  11. After the shenanigans the current Congress is giving us, I was going to vote against every incumbent, anyway. Useless, the lot of them.

  12. If you
    are really serious about voting out incumbents the place to do it is in the primaries. only about 20 to 30% of people vote in primaries, so fewer people can have a bigger affect.

  13. A good notion, though I’d favor a minimal number of exceptions (ex., Rep. Dave Reichert..likely about as good as we’re gonna be able to elect in the Seattle region, as its’ hard to find even electable moderates willing to run in the vicinity)…

    Re term limits, I tend to favor 8 years for House and 12 for the Senate. As much as I like the idea of pulling the plug on the current crop of precious congressional children, having a *few* around who know where the restrooms are and some of the details of the executive branch seems like a prudent notion.