Hmmm, THIS is Interesting…

Y’all can draw your own conclusions…

United Airlines Flight 227 Passengers Removed, Deja Vu?

UAL Flight 227 DEN-LAX 12-10-09

h/t Rick


Hmmm, THIS is Interesting… — 6 Comments

  1. Hmm. I think I’ll let discretion be the better part of valor and wait this one out.

    Got burned before. Was made to look like an idiot. I hate that.

    Long Live the Republic.

  2. You know, I took the “account” of the last story with a bit of a grain of salt; the way the fellow wrote his reactions seemed a little more… self-aggrandizing than strictly necessary.

    Still, the overall pattern of the story was backed up by several sources, including the airline; a group of dudes made a fuss on a plane, and a bunch of other passengers chose to get off the aircraft rather than take the chance.

    All in all, I think that anyone who thought that there was something rotten about the incident was right to be curious and/or suspicious, and I don’t think it’s foolish or idiotic to be concerned.

    Anyway, this time it appears that whatever happened was checked out a little more thoroughly.

    Once is a very strange occurrence. Twice is something else altogether.

  3. And by the way, I don’t entirely agree with the Canadian Free Press conclusions; I honestly don’t think it matters if the aforementioned dudes were middle eastern in appearance, or if they looked like sparkly vampires; when I hear of a disturbance on an aircraft, I don’t automatically think ‘jihad’, I think ‘terrorist’, and they come in all colors.

    One group of terrorists had a rather spectacular success using aircraft as bombs; the tools that work for one group may be equally enticing to another.

  4. Maybe this is part of economic warfare. How much has all this airport security cost the Western economies in lost time and added expense? Easy and cost effective to keep up the pressure, isn’t it, by staging an occasional incident. Hopefully, intelligence people are connecting the dots.

  5. Donald- Agreed…. sigh…

    Julie- we’ll see

    Six- concur

    WSF- The cost is HIGH, but won’t be enough if we start losing people.