Sometimes you just have to laugh…

Well, since Gun Toting Seagull ‘stole’ my post, I had to dig up something else…

Sent by a friend up in PA…

This is the pull off SR 61 and Adamsdale Rd. in Shuylkill Haven.
The deer was hit there.
The couch was dumped there previously.
Day two the deer was on the couch.
Day three the end table and lamp showed up.
Day four the TV and TV stand showed up.

And then everybody started taking pictures… Read the sign too!

The Trooper had to call PENN DOT and wait because of all the people stopping to take pictures. I LOVE SCHUYLKILL COUNTY!!!!


Sometimes you just have to laugh… — 13 Comments

  1. Jim- You WILL pay… 🙂

    Alan- Me neither… I really don’t see how Wyatt, Capt American and RT stand it…

    Breda- They DO exist north of the Mason Dixon 🙂

    Julie- mee toooo 🙂

    DiMw- yeah…

    WSF- sure is!

    Wai/AD- Yep!

    Skul/BZ- I think they took them…