Our Lexington???

Well, hell froze over in Mass tonight…

Coakley conceded at 922pm 19 Jan 2010- Mass has a Republican Senator for the first time since the 1970s…

Is Brown’s 53%-46% win in Mass the first shot in the 2010 election cycle???

A quick and dirty analysis of the turnout as shown on various programs indicated even though the Dems have a 3 to 3.5-1 ratio in Mass, many of them did NOT turn out, or even voted for Brown to send a message to Washington.

Once again Obama came to town and was refuted. I personally believe THIS election must be the wake up call to the Conservatives, Independents, Republicans and others to take back our country in 2010.

It will also be interesting to see how the fingers get pointed over THIS loss- We have the examples of VA and NJ governorship losses and how those were treated.

I also believe THIS win is going to be the “shot” heard round the world in 2010 as far as politics is concerned…

Now the ball is in our court- What we do with it is up to we the people.

It’s becoming obvious the administration does not care about what we think, on Cap & Tax, Health Care or anything else. The dems are already posturing that they WILL push through health care regardless of the wishes, and will use Reconciliation if they have to. Obama has also apparently put out veiled (or not so veiled) threats to Dems to toe the line NOW and agree with the Senate bill so it doesn’t have to be voted on again. He has also stated he will “double down” on efforts…

It is incumbent on US to continue to let our legislators know we are NOT happy with their performance and there will be repercussions.

And keep the pressure on, and VOTE THEM ALL OUT IN 2010!!!


Our Lexington??? — 19 Comments

  1. The Democrats that have been spouting the party line and are coming up for re-election in races where they don’t enjoy a 3-1 majority in their states or districts must be feeling a bit of a pucker at this moment.

    Maybe they’ll re-think their support for the absurd whims of the ObamaNation and their respective House and Senate leadership. After all, the leadership will be changing at the end of this year (cue Bob Dylan – “The Times, They are a Changin'”).

  2. Some hope in this news. My congresscritter is on the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Committee on Rules that wrote these outrageous bills. He has voted Pelosi’s line 97%. He is probably toast. Our appointed Senator is more fouled up than a Spec 5 at a Viet Cong reveille and the Governor is quitting. We have a couple of qualified Dems (yeah, I’m still one) in the race for the statewide offices. With a little luck, Colorado will be electing 100% non incumbents.

  3. Much as I like the idea of “vote them ALL out”, I keep coming back to the notion that the biggest voting bloc in MA is registered independents. Okay, they mostly vote Democratic, but most of their Democrats aren’t nearly as incompetent as Coakley (and most of their Republicans aren’t nearly as competent as Brown).

    I love the idea that the Obama-Pelosi-Reid bloc’s cult of personality is pissing off more people than it once inspired, and that maybe people are getting permanently sick of Politics As Usual, but let’s not get smug and turn this into a one-hit wonder.

  4. I hope the progressives take notice of this, I know the Democrats have and will take notice. Especially those in states that have been known to go from red to blue often.

  5. Three times the President’s gone out to campaign and failed. That must hurt. But We The People must pick this up and run with it. Otherwise the left will take control again.

  6. If you read Rasmussen’s analysis about the voter’s motivation, it wasn’t so much as being against Obamacare as it was the embedded taxes. MA already has their version of Obamacare and it sucking the state down. But the majority there, for the moment anyway, still support it.

    According to Rasmussen, the two prime issues for the MA voters was: Taxes and National Security. Seems they’re not happy giving terrorist lawyers nor about closing Gitmo.

  7. NFO , the disturbing trend i am seeing is some of the more obnoxious pols just quitting . You cannot vote a man out who does not run . I would say vote your values as a substitute , however we have a history of being taken in by a glib line and confident look .

    As i post this the girls are winging their way west . I sincerely hope you and them enjoy the weekend . Fellowship is not reserved for religion and enjoy the redneck while you have a chance . I know they are going to enjoy the warmer climate . Remember i got the ground for ya to put a house on anytime you get fed up with the bs ill make you a life long lease and help all i can .

  8. Hell froze over and Swine Flew. Yippee! Don’t expect the left to change. They’re hard-wired to be a**h***s. We watched a little bit of Olberman after the concession. What a riot. It must be hard to do a TV broadcast when every fiber in your body is twitching. Here in Missouri we have to find a way to get rid of Claire McCaskill, the goat lady from hell. Have a great day. Our flag is still there!



  9. Old NFO,

    Indeed this is our own little Lexington, and the first shot of The New American Revolution was fired last night.

    Long Live the Republic, and let Freedom ring, one blog at a time.

  10. Granny, we’be got McCaskill for another four years. It’s Robin Carnahan we have to defeat. She’s running against Blount for Senator now that RINO Bond is quitting.

    BTW, I’m just outside KC. Where’re you? Seems I’ve asked that before and you answered but I’ve forgotten.

  11. I work with a highly conservative independent (ha!).

    It was a joy to watch him rub salt in the wounds of the liberals all day.

    He can get away with it, I can’t.

    I just had a furtive smile. 🙂

  12. blunt- Believe me I’m not… But I do believe this is putting some people on notice…

    CS/ADM/Fuzzy/Spark/Crucis- Agree with each of your comments!

    FD- Roger all. They’re late but on the way…

    Granny- That must have been fun…LOL

    Donald- Amen…

    BZ/RT- 🙂

  13. Jim, I truly believe that it was just a bunch of us, tired of hearing what was going to happen, saying it ain’t happening so let’s try something different. Mostly it was a miracle in the most democratic state I know. God bless us and help us!