Well, yesterday “officially” classifies as ONE of those days…
Had to go back up to Riposto, IT on a pickup run for some stuff, so got to ‘play’ in rush hour traffic Italian style. I’m STILL tryin to get the seat cushion out of my ass… Let’s just say it was exciting and leave it at that… And that was just the trip over!!!
So, I finally get up there, pick up the stuff I need to get, and have to come back the other way in MORE rush hour traffic, except that I now have a passenger. Now the speed limit is 60 kph (bout 35 mph), I was running 110 and getting passed by grannies driving 30 year old Fiats, so I picked up the pace to about 130 to stay with the flow…
The old man in front of me is driving about 120, half in his lane, half on the shoulder, so I decide to pass- Now I’m driving a 1.4L turbo diesel (0-60 in hours), so I down shift, rev the hell out of it and get a running start at him, turn on the blinker, move over a half a lane (like a good Italian) and start passing him… kinda, sorta…
So I get about even with his front door, and I see a pair of headlights and a turn signal in my mirror, and they AREN’T slowing down… At this point I floor that little TDI (lot of good THAT did) and ease over a little closer to the old man and a Mercedes comes blowing by at probably 200 kph, close enough that I hear a ‘ting’ as his mirror hits mine!!!
At the SAME time, the Merc is being passed by a biker (no helmet, and I ‘think’ shorts on) and HE’s running probably 250 kph (and, OBTW, there is a BUS in the oncoming lane now)…
And that SOB is hogging the center line… I’m figuring we’re ALL gonna die momentarily, and I sure as hell will NOT have clean shorts on…
And we all manage to miss each other… How I have NO @#&( clue!
So I finally get back to the ‘freeway’, get back over to roughly where I’m going, and back on the side roads that I “know” from years of experience, and I come up over the railroad tracks, only to meet an Italian version of an 18 wheeler on MY side of the road and half in the ditch (this IS a side road), passing another 18 wheeler… I just turned right onto the train tracks, at that point I figured what the hell… train, 18 wheeler, it doesn’t matter, I won’t survive either one…
I finally get back to the base, and I realize the guy riding with me hasn’t said a word in, oh probably an hour… I look over and he literally has his eyes closed and is gripping the side of the seat and the door handle with a death grip. I poke him and tell him we made it, and he looks over at me and says, “YOU are @#&* CRAZY!” and he gets out of the car an walks away.
Not even a thank you for the ride… sigh… some people…
I’m thinking wine with breakfast is not necessarily a bad idea… (maybe a gallon or two to start the day)
HOLY CRAP! I’m glad you’re alive, NFO. But I really, really wish you had video…:D
That’s just a Sunday drive in the UAE.
I would rather take incoming fire than drive over there.
Glad you survived.
Perhaps your passanger needs more Italian traffic exposure to properly appreciate your skills. Stay safe!
Sounds a lot like the ring road around Moscow, where traffic lanes are a suggestion, and there are signs warning drivers to watch for children playing in the freeway.
Glad you made it through safe.
Do you get hazard pay, You really should?
My only comparable experience was driving in Mexico City when I was a Junior in high school. It wasn’t even close to your description. Driving rules in Mexico is “Mass rules!”
I am thinking a gallon or two of your favorite hard liquor to start or end your day.Be Safe
I’m guessing flying was a lot easier, even on a bad day. No traffic in the air.
And it kinda sounds like my driving Code 3 in an Ambulance during rush hour Fort Lauderdale traffic back in the day. FUN STUFF! No really it was!! lol
Well done NFO. Have a drink or three you definately deserve it!
Stay safe. Drink plenty
Wow glad you made it!
Lived in Naples at Capo diChino for four years in the early 60’s and have often wondered how I managed to survive! I had a VW bug with those great big red and white AFSouth plates that were a magnet for every Fiat 600 on the country! They would aim right at you to get hit “cause it was going to be a big payday if they managed to connect!! Drove right into an open trench in the middle of the travel lane once because they didn’t bother to put up any signs or blocking device.
I KNOW how you feel!
You should tell your passenger that he’d have to pay for an “E” ticket at Disney to get that much of a thrill ride.
He should pay for your breakfast, he should!
Christina- Yeah, that ‘would’ have been interesting…
Gerry- Oh so true, but at least over there they are doing it in Yukons and BIG cars, not the tin cans here…
WSF- HIM??? Hell I need it!!!
DB- Pretty much, and Naples is even worse, but at least it’s at slower speed, so the impacts are less 🙁
ADM- I wish…
Crucis- over here it’s “balls” rule, at least till the wreck happens…
Fuzzy- Don’t tempt me…
Peedee- At least flying I can shoot back 🙂 agreed on the Code 3 too 🙂
Supi/Gia- thanks!
Ev- yeah, I remember the AFI plate days, thankfully they’ve gone away from that…
TOTW- I don’t think he’s leaving base the rest of the det… LOL
You needed a deer, an armadillo, two rabbits, a coon dog & stray cow to make the story even more interesting.
You know you’re good when the reader is literally holding their breath when they’re reading…and I was!
Snigs- You think YOU were… 🙂
Nice to see that driving in Italy hasn’t changed since I was stationed there about 30 years ago! And people wondered why Italians had rosary beads and little religious statues in their cars – prayer is the only means to survival on Italian highways.