Not building any more reactors in the US because a 40 year old design in Japan only withstood an 8.8 earthquake is like restricting all new buildings to 24 floors since the 9/11 hijackers hit a taller building…
In other news, talking to one of the Japanese desk folks about a clip that was showing on Japanese TV that had various US reporters flashing up on the screen, he said it was a ‘commentary’ on US reporters and photographers up around Sendai, and how obnoxious, pushy, overbearing and ‘sneaky’ they were. His comment, “Japan doesn’t do things that way. It’s about order and respect.”
Nuff said…
USN assets have currently delivered over 55,000 lbs of relief supplies via helo to the Japanese around Sendai, and have located/supported over 2400 folks in that area.
You should have told him that the MSM is an embarrassment in this country too.
I saw this coming right after the event. And Germany’s Merkel said SHE has to now consider REMOVING nuclear power — SUCCESSFUL nuclear power — from Germany.
How STUPID are people?
So WHAT and WHERE will our energy forms take and come from? Individual bicycle-powered magnetos??
Andy- I did…
BZ- Good point, I hadn’t heard that, but the econazis are persuasive when they prey on ’emotions’ rather than facts…
Good on the Navy for helping though!
Yeah we got MSN but they have henti =)
Sorry for the Japanese; both the natural disaster and the manmade MSM.
Per SOP, the Lame Stream Media is sacrificing any vestige of accuracy so they can amp up the hysteria. I don’t think they’ve reported even one thing accurately.
Keads- They are getting it done… and the MSM is not reporting it (as usual)…
WSF- Concur.
TOTW- Yeah, I agree!
This is one we’ll have to agree to disagree on, Navy.
The waste from these plants is causing the nuclear power industry problems…
It’s dangerous to human life SO LONG that the industry is trying to figure what sort of warning signs they need to produce in order to warn future humans of the dangers when languages we presently use are no longer being spoken.
This waste will need to be guarded for (millions?) of years…
Define “safe and cheap” for me please.